Chapter 1

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Haven't these rich snobs seen another human being before?

I rolled my steel blue eyes which were concealed behind my thick black framed glasses. I've been here for a week and you'd think the stares and whispers would stop, right?


If anything, they increased in volume and to be honest it was pissing me off. Of course, I knew the reason why they were looking at me like some sideshow attraction; my appearance.

With everyone else adorning the tacky yellow dress, it was a shock to see me waltz in wearing faded black jeans, a black tank top with a graphic of a skeletal diaphragm, black and white high tops, a nice silver skull around my neck and to top it all off; a cute black backpack that had the red face of an adorable little demon.

Well, at least I thought it was cute. Scoffing, I continued down the hall, avoiding eye contact as much as I could. If it wasn't my clothing that made them whisper it was my body itself.

Not only was my complexion pale, but I was apple-shaped; having very visible and apparent love handles and a little muffin top that was always visible. Not only could I not fit into the uniform the school had, but that damn thing was way too expensive I mean come on, its price is the same as a year of tuition at a regular academy.

Walking past the door that Nekozawa was always peeking behind, I gave the man a slight wave as the puppet creature that was on his hand waved back very animatedly.

Sure, Nekozawa had some strange tendencies, but he was a good guy once you got to know him. Glancing at the stares and whispers other students were giving him; I grimaced. If only they would actually talk to him for once in their privileged lives...

Moving my Ombre hair to the side, I continued with my mission; to find a quiet place to write.
That's how I got to attend Ouran, my writing skills. I decided to submit a few of my pieces and by some miracle they were chosen and here I am; a poor girl surrounded by the richest of the rich. It was an amazing opportunity I wasn't going to pass up of course, so here I am, black ensemble and all.

"You'd think a place with four libraries would have at least one of them that was quiet like they're supposed to be..." I muttered to myself as I weaved in and out of the crowd of students going to who knows where.

"What did you say freak?" Inwardly groaning, I turned to the side to see the same group of girls who have been harassing me ever since I got here. Deciding I didn't have the energy to fight with them, I just continued on my way.

"Hey! I'm talking to you, you freaky Goth!" Giving the girl a sideways glance, I just shrugged my broad shoulders and continued my mission.

A hard yank back brought me face to face with this persistent bitch as I steadied myself and looked at her with a blank face. The smirk she had on her lips made her look creepy as she looked me up and down.

"Can I help you?" I asked clearly bored at this point as I started spinning the little stud that was embedded in my nose. Her smirk vanished as she saw me play with the piercings which made me smile on the inside at my small victory.

With hands on her non-existent hips, she stated, "Yeah, you can do all of us a favor and leave! It's obvious you don't belong here, you can't fit into the uniform fatty and look at you, you look like you're going to a funeral or something; it's gross!"

I just gave her a blank stare as she finished her rant or whatever she was going on about.

"Look, I don't have time for this shit, it's not like any of you bitches look good in the uniform either, I mean who would look good in a yellow color that resembles vomit? If you don't like my look, then don't fucking look, it's not that hard or are you hard of learning?"

Apparently neither this girl or her pose enjoyed my little remarks as they took steps towards me and five against one doesn't sound like a fight with very good odds.

With my piece said, I ran from the group of girls who were hot on my tail. Of course I had to get hostile with them and this is what happens, but they were so mean and rude, I had to!

Frantically looking around, I realized I had no idea where I was anymore, turning a corner I saw a sign that said 'Music Room #3' running toward what I hoped was a safe haven, I quickly opened the large wooden doors and ran inside.

I could see the gaggle of girls spilled through as I continued to run only to run into what I thought was a wall. Feeling arms wrap around my waist, I landed on something hard, but not as hard as the floor. As I tried to even my breathing, I noticed the girls stopped running and were staring at me with wide eyes.

Finally looking down, I see that I landed on a tall man, adorned in the school uniform with his arms securely around my waist as I sat on his chest.

Turning my head, I saw the bullies being escorted out by other males in the same uniform. Gulping, I realized just how close that was from turning violent.

The man beneath me moved me from on top of him as he stood up to his full height which was amazing. I only stood at 5'5, but this guy was easily over 6 feet tall.

The giant held out his hand to me seeing as I was still on the floor, being hesitant, I stood up myself, ignoring the hand that was offered to me.

With a nod of his head toward the door I knew he wanted to walk me out seeing as the girls were long gone by now. Following beside him, I crossed my arms and looked at anywhere but him.

Of course, I got curious as I stole a side glance. The man was tall, stoic, had black hair and strong facial features. He caught my eyes as I snapped my head to the other side looking at the floor.

My eyebrows scrunched up, why hasn't this man said a single word? He hasn't even introduced himself yet. Bringing my crossed arms closer to my body, we both walked out the double doors of Music Room #3.

The only thing that could be heard as we both made our way down the deserted halls were the echo of our shoes hitting the floor.

Taking another glance at the man, my mind was racing, I wanted to ask some questions, but me being me decided against it as I took interest in the floor once more not even noticing the looks the mystery man was giving me.

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