Chapter 3

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  I had a small smile on my face as I walked down the halls of Ouran. It's been a few months since Tamaki made me the club's promotor. Of course, I was against it at first, annoyed at the fact that he just made that decision without even talking to me.

Though, it wasn't actually all that bad.

At first the other hosts wouldn't interact with me; I guess they were scared. Tamaki would be his usual dramatic self, but Mori and Haruhi were very friendly and chatted with me almost every day even if I only talked a little bit.

Even if it has been a few months, my outfits still do turn a few heads, which is fine with me at this point.

Today I had on a skirt that went a little past my knees that had prints of skulls around it. My tights were black and sheer and had skeletal legs printed on it. My top was a simple black tank top with a print of a giant white skull. My feet had black combat boots and my accessories consisted of a necklace that was of an exoskeleton of a cat along with cute little skull head stud earrings that had white bows on them.

"(Your name), our dear promotor!" I visibly cringed at the voice from behind me. Honestly, I don't think I'll ever get used to how dramatic Tamaki makes everything.

Said man twirled right in front of me as he started discussing various things about the project I was working on for the new promotion. The two of us had a steady flow of ideas bouncing back and forth and before I knew it, we were both at the door of the host club.

"It all sounds fabulous my dear! I can't wait to see the finished product!" With that said, he practically glided away to start entertaining his guests for the day.

"Hey (Your name)." Turning toward the voice, Haruhi stood there with a smile on her face. Grinning at the girl, we both walked over to an empty table and chatted a bit about the school day and such until she was called away to her guests.

Deciding to work some more on my novel, I pulled out my notebook and laptop determined to finish a new chapter that I had somewhat outlined in my notebook. Ever since Mori looked at my work, it made me have a new found confidence in my writing and I wanted to finish it so I could get some opinions on it.

With each new chapter I finish, I always gave it to Mori who'd give me feedback; always constructive feedback which I appreciated greatly. Usually people would always say it was amazing and to never change anything, but Mori gave me the truth and for that I'm grateful.

I'm not sure how long I was absorbed into my writing, but a light touch on my shoulder brought me back to the land of the living.

Looking up, Mori gave me a light smile and sat in the seat across from me; where Haruhi occupied once before. I guess he had a break in between customers.

"You were so focused I almost didn't want to break you from it." He leaned his forearms on the table and leaned a bit closer across the table. I gave a short laugh and pushed up my glasses which slid down a bit during my writing session.

"It's okay, I needed a break anyways, my eyes were starting to get strained from looking at the computer screen for so long." Lifting up my glasses, I rubbed my eyes a bit to ease them from all the work they did.

Noticing the water bottle and small plate that had a nice slice of cake on it, I realized just how dry my mouth really was.

"I know you've probably been so busy you forgot to hydrate yourself." Rubbing the back of my neck, I nodded at his words. Whenever I got busy in school and my writing, I tend to forget my own needs.
"Okay, but what's the cake for?"

Mori X !Apple-Shaped OC - Light and Dark [Commission]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat