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Authors note: Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in so long-I joined this site when I was 13 and had way more free time lol. I'll definitely try to be more active thanks to your comments! I hope you're enjoying the book so far-welcome to chapter 3! I realized I haven't included a character list, and since this is AU I will make sure to create one since I'll be adding a few new characters. Okay that's all, enjoy!


{Cesar's POV continued}

I'm speechless. Literally. And usually I'm a guy that always has something to say. The girl is beautiful, and somehow-even though I've only known her for approximately two seconds, I feel drawn to get to know her more.

She shoots me a glare, reaching down to pick up a few things that fell during our collision.

"Oh, shoot-sorry, let me get that for you!" I swoop in, coming back to reality as I bend down to get the mystery girl's things off the floor of the hallway.

"I've got it," she growls, and I take a step back, admiring her when she's not looking. I notice a pretty detailed tattoo of an anchor with some flowers surrounding it on her collarbone. There's a phrase under it sketched in small text that I can't quite make out. I squint, trying to read it-that is, until she catches me.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," she hisses once our eyes lock. She's breathtaking. I can't stop staring.

"..Uh-I..nice ink you've got there. Who did it?" I ask, blinking and hoping she won't notice how nervous I sound. God, why was I nervous?

To my surprise, her hard expression actually softens for a quick moment. "Thanks, I guess. I know a guy."

I just nod, pondering what I could say next to hopefully start a conversation with the beautiful girl. She was new and so...well, different. I could tell that she wasn't one of those kids that acted tough just for show. Maybe she's been through some real stuff.

'Cesar, be quick! Don't just stand there-say anything!'

"..I-I'm Cesar," is all my brain can muster in the heat and pressure of the moment. It wasn't the best response, but hey, it was definitely better than anything Ruby or Jamal would say if they were in my shoes.

"I didn't ask," my new peer sharply retorts. She didn't hesitate for a second. My eyes widen in shock.

This girl...she's so feisty, I'm not sure what the reason is but I know there is one. There has to be.

Instead of taking her harsh comment personally, I chuckle quietly and pretend not to care. Why should I, anyway? I don't know her and she doesn't know me. Plus I was raised by a gang of Santos', for crying out loud! It's going to take more than that to get to me.

Shaking my head, I just focus my eyes back down to the floor, where her school schedule was.

She quickly bends down to pick it up while I stare at the walls this time-not wanting to piss her off even further. I wonder how someone can be so mean looking yet attractive at the same time. Am I dumb for wondering such a thing?

She smooths out the crumpled sheet of paper and looks around the hallways-clearly searching for a locker number.

As her eyes explore the unfamiliar hallway for whatever locker is on the list, I take the time to think of how I can get to her. I'm determined to not give up-not yet, anyway.

Bad Reputation {On My Block•AU} | ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now