●dialogue starters●

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•"And you expect this plan to work?"

•"Have you ever flown a spaceship before?"

•"I can't believe I'm sitting in space jail with you of all people."

•"So, why did I have to stab that guy?"

•"I had almost thought that you were going to give up."

•"I'm right all the time, so believe me, I'll be right this time as well."

•"Have you lost your mind?!"

•"Is there a reason why you're naked in my bed?"

•"I must have been a dreadful person in my past life."

•"Why are you here? It's three in the morning."

•"Well, this is just great. Absolutely wonderful."

•"I didn't think it was that important."

•"I said create a distraction, not this."

•"We're in public, stop that."

•"Can I pet the fish?"

•"As you all know, I'm the best, so..."

•"Why should I listen to you?"

•"I don't need help! I just want the pain to stop!"

•"Why did we think this was a good idea?"

•"Are you trying to flirt with me?"

•"I'm alive?"


Thank you Tumblr and Pinterest for these prompt ideas.

Again, no smut.

Reminder, my version of Loki is pan with a preference for masculine presenting people, keep that in mind.


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