Underground Establishment

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You walk in, seeing different gadgets and technology. You look around. Eyeing different rooms, hearing different noises, holding your things.

Elix walks out, her hands behind her back as she smiles. "Welcome back. I have truly missed you."

Eli follows her, his arms crossed as he grins, standing beside her. "Long Time no see. Hopefully you remember us...and the fun we had in the past."

Elix chuckles and smiles, walking beside you. "I hope you had a good five to six years to really think about your decision for coming here. Because they're back."

Eli runs and walks on the other side of you. "And stronger then ever. That's why we hoped you're recruit has arrived here on time..."

Elix nods and leads you to a big assembly room. "Sit in a seat and wait for the others. Your recruits will be mingling in another room."

Eli smiles wide. "And here is where you will see all of your old friends."

"Or enemies.." Elix laughs and takes Eli's arm, going to the far side of the room and leaning on the wall.

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