Chapter 2: Tucker's Basketball

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Tucker's POV
I was practicing shooting hoops outside in the basketball courtyard of New York City when I decided to go in for a drink. I went inside and upstairs to ask where the orange juice was and I ended up going into Mary's room.

"Sorry, Mary, I thought this was dad's room" I said. But the damage had been done, and Mary started freaking out because I had disrupted her routine. I needed dad, so I ran down to find him.

"Hey, dad, I accidentally walked in on Mary and now she won't stop throwing things a.....wait, who this?" I asked. My ball must've hit my head and I fell unconscious and this must be a dream cause there's no way that Napoleon Buonaparte, the most evil dictator in history, is standing in our family room.

"Oh, God. Not again" he said walking upstairs to take care of Mary. Hannah went up too and Napoleon soon followed.

"Oh, dad, before I forget, where's the orange juice?" I asked.

"In the fridge, next to the lettuce" he said.

"Thanks!" I yelled as I dribbled my way to the kitchen.

After gulping down the juice and standing in front of the A/C to cool off, I overheard Hannah and Napoleon talking about Mary's autism in the study. I went to the doorway and listened to their conversation. What? Eavesdropping is the only way anybody found out anything. How do you think I found out that my school's rival basketball team was going to throw our next game? Anyway, I guess I zoned out for a bit cause when I came back to reality, I had missed a majority for the conversation.

"So, Hannah, why was Mary born with autism?" asked Napoleon.

"No one knows, no one really knows what causes autism. Some people believe it's genetics, others believe in some environmental factors, and then there's the popular yet false myth that bad parenting causes autism. But that's simply not true" she explained.

"I'm guessing there's no cure?" asked Napoleon.

"You couldn't be more right. There's no cure for autism yet. Scientists are still to this day, trying to find a cure for autism" said Hannah.

"But how can you cure something if you don't even know what causes it?" he asked.

"I don't know" replied Hannah.

"Earlier you said that you and your family didn't have the funds to help Mary with her autism, this place looks pretty decent to me" said Napoleon.

"Ya, we used to live in a nicer apartment. But that was before Echo or Mary were born, before things started getting bad at our house, before mom left!!!!" I yelled as I threw my basketball at a bookshelf, causing some of them to fall to the floor. I panted as I grabbed my ball and ran off.

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