chapter 5: Helixs' birthday

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school was cancelled that day due to a power outage, so i drove Helix home. after a while, i picked up Aubrey and we drove to the mall.

As soon as we got inside, we headed straight to Hot Topic.

I bought a few black mini skirts, some striped lacey leggings, and a few Iwrestledabearonce tees.

Aubrey got a pair of yellow, green, blue, and red splatter-paint skinnys, a pair of electric blue converse, and a Blood on the Dance Floor tee.

We went to the restroom and changed. Aubrey wore her new skinnys, her converse, and her Botdf tee. I wore my shredded mini skirt, my black and purple lace striped leggings, and my bright pink Iwabo tee. We then went to Helixs' house to pick him up for lunch. It was his birthday today, and me and Aubrey bought him a belt buckle that said "zombies!" we were going to give it to him when he opened the door.

We knocked on his door, but instead of him answering, a guy whose dirty blonde hair reached his chin, and who wore a cutoff Pierce the Veil tee answered. His skinnys sagging as he looked Aubrey up and down. I coughed awkwardly, and asked, "where's Helix?"

and Aubrey asked, "And who are you...a friend of Helixs'?"

He smiled, and said in a thick cockney accent, "Helix is back in his fathers' gardens. My name is Jeremiah, and what's your names?"

I stared bored at this conversation.

Aubrey, who was grinning like an idiot as she exclaimed, "Im Aubrey!!! hiiii! oh, and this is my best friend Aria. So how do u know Helix?"

they walked off into the house, whereas i headed off into the gardens.

I find Helix laying in the grass reading a book. He didnt hear me approach, so i kindof coughed to let him know i was there. He bent his head backwards to look at me. he gave me a lopsided grin, and patted the grass next to him. I rolled my eyes and sat down. He put down his book, and asked what the box was for that i forgot i was holding. His belt buckle...ohhhhh, haha. I glanced down at it the box, then held it out for him to take.

he laughed, and said sarcastically, "A PRESENT?! oh you shouldnt have! thanks though." He chuckled as he ripped open the box. He looked down at the belt buckle, then looked up at me seriously, and said, "How much was it?"

I shook my head, and said, "me and Aubrey split the cost, plus, its your deserved somethin' at least." I smiled. He frowned.

"Is your head okay...lemme see..." He told me to turn sideways so he could check it out. He lifted up my hair, and gently tilted my head forward. I cringed as he pulled on the dried blood behind my ear where my dad had hold of my hair.

He grimaced, and said, "i didnt know it was this bad."

he let go of my hair, and i suddenly became aware of how close we were. me being claustrophobic, It set my teeth on edge a little bit. He gently pulled me to his lap, and hugged me. Aubrey coughed awkwardly, holding hands with Jeremiah, and Jeremiah had to hold in his laughter. Helix let go, and i slid off of him back onto the grass. I stared at a nearby rose bush.

lunch is going to be really really awkward...just my luck.

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