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I hit the alarm after it starts to ring for the third time, and finally I open my eyes to see the clock. 8.29am

"Oh no no no, I'll be late on the first day of work." I say and get up quickly to start dressing. I take the first shirt I see and some scribbled jeans.

I take the car and the apartment keys and get out quickly to get into the car and to realize that I won't arrive before 9am.

Today is my first day at work, I decided to work in a café because to be honest, I'm a lazy, I need a job because I live alone. I need money, and the job in the café does not sound like a hard job. I hope the boss is not strict and that he will forgive me for being late.

No, I haven't meet the boss because he was busy that day, but his deputy said that today will be my first day at work. I don't know anyone there and I don't want to know anyone, I live alone and I don't have a lot of friends, I actually have only one friend, Kim Namjoon.
I used to live with him before but now he lives with his girlfriend so I didn't want to bother them.

"Hi, I'm Jeon Jungkook, today is my first day at work." I say when I finally step into the café. "Jeon Jungkook!" I hear the voice of a person and soon I see a guy with a blond hair, I guess my age.

"You are late almost two hours!" He says louder, and I assume he is the boss. So he is not a boss who is easy to forgive. I say to myself and then I say, "Excuse me, my alarm did not wake me up on time." I answer and he looks at me and takes off his glasses.

"Do you know what kind of impression you're leaving when you're late on your first day of work?" He asked me, and I sighed.

"I'm Kim Taehyung." He spoke after a few minutes of silence. "Please forgive me for being late, it won't happen again." I say, he starts looking at the papers and just add; "I hope so." I looked around expecting him to tell me what to do, and he finally speaks after few minutes.

"So.." he says, by getting up from the chair and pointing to me to come with him. "You know how to use a coffee machine, don't you?" He asked me and I nodded. "So you're going to work here, you'll have another partner, but he's late as well." he murmured.

"It doesn't matter right now, so here you will work, here you leave the money you make during the day, and you are not allowed to give free drinks to your friends, you already know that, don't you?" He asked me, and I nodded again.

"Every 3 days you change the shift, so the first three days you will work from 8am till 3pm, then three days after these three days you will work from 2pm till 11pm, why don't you write it so that you don't forget?" He asks me, and I quickly take my phone and write working hours in notes.

"Alright, that's it for now, breaks are on every two hours, I hope that your partner will arrive soon today is Saturday, so I don't think that you will be able to finish all on your own. So that's it if you have more questions you know where to find me, enjoy your first day at work." he says, and after a few minutes he leaves.

"This man was supposed to work as a politician or lawyer." I say to myself and I go behind to dress up, we have uniforms, stupid white shirts and some black pants.

After few minutes I go back to the bar and soon I hear the doorbell ring and I see a guy walking in.

Soo tell me do you like the beginning of this story? I'll give my best for this story ㅅ ㅅ ㅅ

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