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Woo soooo I thought why not start with eddsworld. -.

This au is simple. Everybody represents a specific emotion. One emotion at that. When your born your assigned to an "emotion family " (god this is cringe) just like you , your family members have the same emotion as you. Your not actually supposed to feel any other emotions but on that rare occasion there is at least one person in the world to feel a different emotion. Woo Okay. So that's where the eddsworld crew comes in. Let's begin WITH MEH CHILD!
Matt represents the emotion known as joy. Matt is always happy and is never sad. Tho recently matt has been starting to feel a weird emotion. Called pitty (YEP) not for others tho but for himself. He pitties himself because he can't feel any other emotion. He reaaaaaaally wants to feel every other emotion not just happiness. Lel , now on to the cola bab.
Edd represents trust. (THAT IS AN EMOTION I PROMISE.) Edd is an overly trusting person. He littraly can't , not trust a person. Thats why sadly his family live in a small tiny house cuz his father has gone bankrupt. His father has trusted countless scammers and they basically took all this man's money. Poor soul. As a result Edd has developed Disgust. An emotion he only feels when he knows he or one of his family members is being lied to. Tho he can't do nothing about it. WOO now it's time for Tommy boy.
Tom represents shame. Tom is ashamed of his family. His mom is a flipping bowling ball and his dad is a pineapple. Even tho there awesome af. Tom gets bullied for it and is just flat out ashamed of them and everyone else to be honest . Tom is definitely not totally ashamed of his parents, he actually Loves them. Yep that's right toms feels love now even though he has to hide it he loves his mum and dad.
Oh wait I forgot to mention that in this society if you show more than on emotion that emotion gets drained via machine which means 99.9 % of time death. Cough anyway onto tordle.
Tord represents Anger. He's mad 99.9% of them time for no reason at that. Who could of thought someone like Tord could could have a heart?Well anyway when Todd's not mad he's jealous. Of who you ask? well he's jealous of Matt. You see Matt is the embodiment of happiness and tors is not. His family is happy, his life seems happy. Little did Tord know that Matt is not all that happy.

ANYWAY so basically this takes place in Highschool. Cuz it just makes more since to meh. There sophomores and failing at life. It's not like the emotions are separated or anything...... .-..k so anyway. The bois are gonna all earn there other emotions one by one.

God that sucked .
But who cares?

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