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Bleach sipping commences well wasn't that lovely. Any way I'm here to update this customer why not. How about I talk about how I see eddsworld ships YEP.
Eddmatt : this ship makes since to me. Matt being dumb an all falls for Edd cuz he takes care of him and makes sure he doesn't do something stupid. Over all I ship this 100 %
Tomtord: This make since as well. A love hate relationship.
Tom hates Tord cuz he's a commie and Tord hates Tom because he gets on his nerves. I ship it 100 %.

Tomedd : .-. What can I say. Uh Tom likes Edd because Uh he cares about him and Uh o god he doesn't want him to die from drinking to much. Edd likes Tom cuz he cares about his well being. -. I'm physically incapable of shipping this. So 00.1% I mean I don't quite hate it but it's okay.

MattTord: WHAT EVEN IS THIS!? okay so I have no idea why Matt likes Tord. I can't even ship this IT MAKES NO SINCE! -100 %

Yeah I'm not going into the other ships yet but If someone actually reads this pls don't get mad at meh cuz I don't understand Matttord I'm just not very educated on that ship.

What is My life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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