Chapter 34

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So, this was marriage. Daryl and I had had our very first argument as husband and wife. I hated it. But he needed the time to clear his head and think about what Carl had said and what I had told him back at the tunnels. I wanted him around when our child was born. I wanted to take turns with him trying to get our kid to stop crying. I wanted to be in his arms right now. But he needs to understand that going down the path of rage and anger is not gonna fly. Not anymore. The thought of losing him was too much for me to bear. I'd give him a few minutes then I'd go up and see him again. I got to the infirmary and was shocked to see Tobin there. Carol was at his side.

"What happened?" I asked going up to them.

"One of them got me. But the docs patched me up real good. Could hardly feel the work they were doing on me," Tobin said.

"I'm sorry. Did we at least get the asshole?" I asked looking over at Carol.

"We did. How's everyone else? Are they all okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. But Tara was shot," I said.

"Is she okay?" Carol asked standing up.

"She's fine. It was an arrow. Siddiq patched her up," I said.

"Good. I'll go see her in a few minutes," she said.

"Are you okay?" I asked her moving her away from earshot.

She sighed.

"I'm getting there..." she trailed off.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Winning now just means we get tomorrow. Maybe we get one more night or one more morning. But after guarantees," she replied.

"You're wrong. Winning means we get a chance at a future. After everything we've been through, we need this, Carol. Don't you want that?" I said.

"I'm not sure. I'm not sure of what I want these days," she said.

I rested my hand on her shoulder.

"Don't disappear on us. Please. It would kill me. And you have no idea what it would do to Daryl. You're one of his best friends," I said.

"How is he?" she asked.

I cleared my throat.

"He's okay. He's not okay with what Dwight did. He was the one that shot Tara," I said.

"He'll come around. Just give him some time," she said.

"That's why I came here," I said.

Tobin then started coughing and we both turned to look at him.

"I'm okay. Just...didn't know almost having your guts taken out could hurt so much," he chuckled.

"You're making jokes?" I asked with a smirk.

"Well, why not?" he said.

"Hang in there, Tobin. You should go ahead and get some rest. We all should," I said looking from him to Carol.

They both nodded.

"I'll come back and check in on you later on," I said.

"Sleep well. And make sure you get something hearty to eat. Mini Dixon must be starved," he said.

I chuckled.

"Thanks, Tobin. I'll see you soon," I said.

I looked at Carol.

"And you? Are you gonna head out too?" I asked.

"In a few minutes," she said going over to take her seat next to Tobin again.

I nodded then left the infirmary. I looked around the place. Although it was still dark out, I could see that we were gonna need to do a lot of work to get back to the way it was before the attack. There were multiple bodies scattered all around. Some our people and the others, Saviors. I decided to go around to check on the people that were still out. Most were okay, considering what had just gone down.

"Jesus, you're back," I said when I saw him making sure everyone was getting something to eat.

I hugged him.

"Did you find anything?" I asked after we parted.

"Some to last us a few more days. How are you? I heard you're expecting as well. Congratulations," he said with a smile.

"Thanks. And I'm good. I'm still trying to process the whole thing. And that's kind of hard to do with everything that's been happening and with what we just endured here," I said.

"We'll get past it. Like we have in the past. Here. Have some eggs," he said handing me a bowl of eggs and what I was sure was tomatoes.

"Thank you. You should eat something too," I said taking a spoonful in my mouth.

"I will. I just want to make sure we get everyone. Take that one to Daryl. He looks like he hasn't had anything," he said handing me another bowl.

I turned and sure enough, there he was. I went up and handed him the bowl. He took it but didn't eat.

"You know I hate it when you don't eat anything. Especially when I know that you haven't eaten for a while," I said taking another spoonful of eggs.

"Ain't got much of an appetite," he said.

"Come on. Please. You need your strength too," I said.

"You still mad at me?" he asked softly.

I sighed. I went up and kissed him deeply.

"I could never be mad at you. Not for long at least. It's just annoying when you're just as stubborn as I am," I said after we parted.

"I'm sorry I can be such an ass," he muttered.

"Don't apologize. There's no need. You act with your emotions. Nothing wrong with that," I said.

"But it pushed you away," he said.

"It didn't. I just wanted to give you a few minutes to cool down. You could never push me away. Didn't us getting married, prove that?" I asked.

He smirked.

"I thought I did that so that I could keep ya," he said pressing our foreheads together.

"Pfft. You already had me. Getting married wouldn't have changed that," I said kissing his forehead.

"Well, you changed me. For the better. Getting hitched was just the natural thing to do," he said.

I looked into his eyes. The moonlight was enough for me to do so. I placed my hand on his cheek.

"But you still want to kill him, right?" I asked.

He looked down.

"Okay. I'll make a deal with you. If somehow, you run into him before I do, you can kill him. I won't say anything about it. It'll be done. But if we run into him together, we give him a chance to explain himself," I said.

"Why make this deal?" he asked.

"Cause arguing with you is the hardest fucking thing to do," I admitted.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Don't be. It's in the past. Let's leave it there. So, we have a deal or what?" I asked.

"All right. Deal," he said.

I kissed him once more.

"Now please, eat," I said taking another spoonful of my eggs.

He scarfed down the whole bowl in one gulp.

"Nice. Real nice," I said sarcastically.

"What? You wanted me to eat. So I did," he said with his mouth full.

I rolled my eyes and took his hand.

"Okay, Cookie Monster, let's get some rest," I said.

I finished up my eggs and the both of us walked hand in hand back to the house.  

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