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I never knew I could love someone so much who was not my mother, my father or my ex boyfriend, I only knew them and no other, that's until I met Luckynzee. I couldn't believe that I had been with a trouble maker all this time. She lied to me. She was in my face looking at me deeply in the eyes and lied to me. I am 21 years old. I just left my dads house after high school because of troublesome life. I attempted to go to college but the thought of people judging me or anyone knowing I was that girl scared me, I needed to be free. My family was very wealthy, I never needed to beg for anything but one day I did. The day my mom passed I begged my dad for her, in tears in all I begged. I was in denial that day, I knew I couldn't get her back but I needed that feeling of knowing I could beg. That day all I wanted was to be comforted by my girlfriend. I needed Lucky.  She was there for me but if I had known she was a gang member, I would have never let her in my home, never gave her my heart. I been lied to and broken so many times by so many people who swore to love me but they only hurt me. My life has been changed the day she came into my life. I loved it but hated it. I hated liars. I sat in my living room trying to gather my thoughts on what just happen than out of nowhere I heard a gunshot. I was startled by it in it caused me to react in a way I've been doing with area's full of gang members, my old life.

I was in love, deep in love with Carlos Lopez. He was the leader of a street gang called The Chulos. Everyone was afraid of them except for The Wire. I hated them for being competition with my side but soon there was no more competition, on a date night with Carlos, we were out in his car kissing and getting at it like mad dogs and I was the happiest I've ever been. Carlos was full of smiles and so was I until his door opened up and there stood 4 guys along with James. They beat Carlos with bats in shot him in the head that day, and they made me promise to not say a word or I'd be next. I kept away from them, my dad made me home school the last year of high school and my world has been silenced. I was now to be the girl who saw nothing. When I moved from my dads, I never thought I would see those guys ever again. It was frightening. I met Lucky for a reason so I thought but finding the truth about her gave me only one reason, they were going to kill me. I couldn't stay here. I had to go. I loved Lucky but now that James saw me in they knew I was around there main girl, things were already in hell.


Sorry its short. Been busy.

Just had to get you guys up to why Kaylah acted the way she did.

Vote & Comment ...Thanks.

More update to come. :)

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