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Stiles POV


Scott McCall. Let me tell you ten things I know about Scott McCall.

He loved a girl with light brown eyes and pale skin; dark brown curls falling beautfiully around the curve of her shoulder. He used to touch her with reverence and passion.

He likes the water. It calms him and makes him forget the worries of the world.

When he laughs, he lets his head fall back.

The crown is too heavy on his head.

He hates the sound a deer makes when it dies, miserable and broken. He closes his eyes tightly after taking its pain away.

He doesn't know I would die for him.

He misses his father most on winter nights, when the town is frozen and silent. He goes back to his childhood room and sleeps curled up on the floor.

He sees his mother in every woman that dies.

He has three ways of saying my name: one filled with anger, one exasperated, one a whisper.

There's a scar on his abdomen, a reminder of the night that started everything.

Scott McCall is my best friend. Scott McCall is my brother.


Everythings different. Ever since Allison died, it's been different. Beacon Hills is not the same. Scott's not the same. Lydia's not the same. I am not the same. Everything is different.

I killed her. It is all my fault. It's my fault Chris doesn't have any family. It's my fault Scott lost the love of his life. It's my fault Lydia lost her best friend.

I want to kill myself for what I did. I need to pay. I wish I was gone.

Scott always tells me that it's okay, and that it's not my fault. But I know it is. When I look into his eyes, all I see is saddness and pain. He takes comfort in Kira but it will never be the same. He does not look at Kira like he looked at Allison. And he never will.

Lydia has taken Malia in to be her new best friend. Lydia takes her shopping, and takes her to the hair salon. But it's not the same. Lydia aches for Allison. She is depressed. But she hides her sadness in the new clothes she's bought with Malia. She plants a smile on her face and acts like everything is okay and that we will get through it. Lydia loves Malia as her new best friend. But we all know it's not the same. We all know that at night, she really calls Allison's name in hopes that she will answer. Malia is her best friend. Allison was her sister.

Its been over a year since the night Allison died. It feels like its been two days. I want to evaporate into nothing.

A few months ago, I went to a deli to get some chips, then out of nowhere I heard this womans voice in my head whispering to me. My mothers voice. She was talking really fast. Then out of the blue more women started talking. I looked everywhere thinking it was a radio. But then it followed me to the train. I started having a panic attack, but a deputy on the train recognized me as the sheriff's son so he took me home after my panic attack had subsided.

I had hallucinations like this everyday. I also had paranoia, and disorganized thoughts. The doctors diagnosed me as being psychotic. I was finally losing my mind. I wanted to lose my mind. It felt right to lose my mind. But then I was getting sick. Sick to the point that I was unconsious for days. I was basically dead. The disease had beaten me. I was going so crazy, that my body just gave up with the paranoia.

I remember Malia crying by my hospital bed, telling me that I will always be her anchor and how she thought she was mine. She said she loved me. Malia cried into my hand and I felt her warm tears fall into my palm. I told her that it would be okay. But she knew. She knew I was on my death bed.

Lydia came into my hospital room that same day. She told me that she has always loved me but was scared to let her feelings out. She told me that she wishes she could turn back time, just so she could do it right. Lydia's eyes were red and puffy, and she looked lost. I wanted to give her a hug or squeeze her hand, but I couldn't. I couldn't move. All I could do was listen and say a few words.

My dad came into the room with tears streaming down his face. He told me that I was the best son he could ever ask for and that he loves me. He promised me that he wouldn't drink his life away if I passed away. He said he would do something with his life. Dad told me to tell mom hello if I died.

Scott was the last to enter the room before death took me. Tears were staining his cheeks. He said that he couldn't bare the thought of losing me. After Allison died, Scott was already lost. He was still lost. Now he would be even more lost. Scott said that he loved me and that he will always love me. He said he wouldn't let me die. He said I would not die.

Well, Scott was wrong because the next day I died. I didn't really die. Scott bit me before I did. My heart stopped for three seconds. For three whole seconds I was gone from this world. Scott is now my Alpha. I asked Scott why he did it at the last minute and he said he didn't know he was going to. He acted on his instinct.

This bite didn't fix my panic attacks or my depression. I wish it did. Now everytime I look in the mirror, my eyes transform into a deep blue, reminding me that I have taken an innocent life. Allison's life. People always tell me that it will be okay, but they are wrong.

It will never be okay.


That was chapter two! I hope you liked it. Please comment and vote on my story if you enjoyed! It would really inspire me to do more!

Bitten ➜ Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now