The Reunion

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Shouken Pov
As I saw Kagome enter the shop, I grabbed my cell phone from my pocket and called master Ki.
" Master, I delivered the message to Kagome just like you asked." I heard his cheerful voice reply " That's great! Thank you,see you after the ceremony Shouken."
"Alright Master Ki, see you soon..." Then I ended the call.
I sighed in relief, I'm so glad that nothing bad happened to Ki while I was walking Kagome. I glanced back at the shop once again before I started to walk away from the shop.... I just hope I don't run into Sekijiin again.... T^T
Tanmoku Pov
I'm so happy, I'm finally going to see Kagome-chan soon after so long. I'm so freaking happy that I almost shouted in excitement, but then people will think I've been kidnapped.... ^_^"....
I just hope she remembers me, but I'll never know. I closed my eyes to concentrate/calm myself down. I can't be thinking of her when I'm about to perform a ritual for goodness sake.
I turned my head when I heard someone open my door. "Sorry to intrude,Master Ki. But we have only a few minutes before the ritual." It was Silque holding my staff. I nodded and took my staff from her hands "Alright, Silque. We might as well not keep them waiting right?" I joked lightly and she laughed gently as she lead me to the altar.
Time Skip
Shouken Pov
As Ki was sitting on his bed, clearly lost in his thoughts. I walked towards him and tried to start up a conversation
" So, about Kagome... how did you guys meet?" He looked up at me then blushed when I asked my little question. He started to twiddle his fingers while he looked away from me
" Well, I met her when we were kids.... I was getting bullied by a bunch of kids because of my gifts/powers.... but then that's when Kag came in and stood up for me, she even beat their asses." I widened my eyes in shock when I heard him say that and he covered his mouth in embarrassment, but he continued his story.
" Uhh, anyway, she saved me, and she became friends with me, despite the fact that I was different from everybody else. But right after, I had to move a couple days later because something happened to me...And at the last time Kagome saw me, she made a promise. " Even if we're far away from each other,I will always protect you no matter what. " And I never seen her again until maybe on next October. "
I'm speechless.... I knew Ki had it rough when he was a kid but he never really go into detail of who and what helped him through it.... But now I know it was Kagome who was by his side.... I'm kinda jealous. -_-" I closed my eyes in thought, I knew that Kagome(aka bun-head, ^v^) is the type of girl who doesn't take things lightly and I learned the hard way .... I looked at Ki again who playing with his hair. I noticed something either must be bothering him or he's nervous about something
"Hey, is something is there something wrong, master?"Ki looked up at me with a confused expression "Hm? Oh, no I was just thinking that I should cut my hair." Cut it, why? It looks so beautiful when it's  long!!T^T
I took a deep breath, trying not to blurt out my thoughts and replied calmly "How come?" He just smiled at me and replied "Well, I've been thinking about for cutting it for a while now, and people think that I'm a girl sometimes, which is a bit frustrating..."
Oh... that's why. So he fears that Kagome will think he's a girl too. I sighed and decided something I probably regret later but, who gives a damn. I held his hands gently, and I looked into his beautiful grey eyes "Do want to me to cut it?" He smiled brightly then hugged/squeezed me "Yes, thank you so much!!"
I blushed lightly at his enthusiasm and I hugged him back lovingly. Then I let go and I got up walking to his drawers. I opened the top drawer and grabbed a pair of scissors and a comb. Ki looked at me with an astonished look on his features.
"Wait, your doing this now?" I turned towards him and gave him a warm smile. "Of course, is that alright with you master?" His eyes sparkled and gave a wide grin. "Yeah!" And he sat down on a chair where his mirror was at, which was on his desk.
I chuckled lightly at his innocent/childish antics and I walked towards him. He must be really excited about this, it's cute. >//< "Are you ready?" He nodded his head happily "Yep!" Oh, God he's so adorable and innocent.... I smiled and I started to cut his beautiful hair.....
Time Skip
October 16th
Kagome POV
I heard my stupid alarm go off loudly, I groaned in annoyance and I tried to hit the snooze button. But what do ya know I fell out of my bed and on my ass on the process
"Ouch!!!.... what the hell?" I looked at my digital clock and it said 10:15 am.... and it said today was the 16th....
I quickly got up and went to the bathroom and got ready. Then I changed from my PJs into dinem shorts and a sweater/jacket that  Yuichiro gave me. I rushed out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen.
I see my adopted brother, Kaname cooking breakfast as usual. I grabbed a piece of toast and started to dash outside the door, but I felt someone grab my sweater.
"What' s the rush?" I glared at my brother and puffed out my cheeks in annoyance. "I have to meet up with someone I haven't seen in a long time..." He gave me a skeptical look and let out a tried sigh and replied "At least take Yu with you, just in case if your attacked by demons again."
I puffed out my cheeks in anger and pinched his cheeks. "I can protect myself now, aniki. I don't need Yu with me." He raised brow and just shrugged. " Look, I'm still letting Yuichiro go with you, with or without your consent."
I was about argue even further, until I remembered about Shouken and Tanmoku guy was probably waiting patiently for me.
I sighed and gave a pathetic ok. He smirked at his victory and ruffled my hair slightly before he called Yu...
What have I done? Yu basically hates everybody and might kill someone if they got to close to me suspiciously. I just slouched into my chair and waited for the lazy jack ass to come.
Time Skip
Tanmoku Pov
I waited with Shouken for Kagome' s arrival at the sweet shop. I really hope she does come soon.... I sighed and looked at Shouken he had the same look that I have, anxious for her to come.
Then I heard someone called Shouken's name. We both looked to the source of the voice to see a beautiful girl with long raven blue hair and violet eyes waving at us.
Shouken smiled and waved back while I gasped lightly, she's so beautiful... she has changed so much since we were children. Q////Q
But then I noticed the person who was standing next to her. It was guy with wild silver hair with red eyes, glaring hatefully at me and Shouken. Why was he so angry? I shrugged off the thought and smiled back gestured for both of them to have a seat next to us.
"It's good to see you, Kagome-san." I greeted warmly while she blinked and looked at me curiously. "Sorry if this is a bit wierd I know you?"
I nodded and I began to explain that we met when we were kids, in that little playground.... where she protected me from those bullies and inspired me to become stronger and search for her again....
"Wait, so your that kid who... holy crap! You changed so much, even your hair is white!!" I chuckled lightly and gave her a bright smile. "Yeah, you changed so much yourself, Kagome-san." She lightly blushed and looked away "Nah, I didn't change much. And just call me Kagome, Ki." I softened my eyes a bit and replied "Ok... Kagome..." I looked at the man again, his name was Yuichiro wasn't it.
" So how long have you guys known each other?" Yuichiro didn't say anything while Kagome just smirked playfully "Oh? You mean the Lazy Jack Ass next to me. Well.... we known each other for about 5 or 6 years now. But we haven't changed since we knew eachother."
"Says the one who's bipolar/childish." Yuichiro taunted and received a punch to the chest and groaned in pain "That's what you get for freaking pissing me off, wolf."
"Wolf? Is he wolf yokai/spirit" I looked at them with confusion and Kagome laughed nervously "hehe... Uh... I guess you can say that."
"Great going Kag, lets see if they can found out more about our shit." "Grrr.... Dont be such a jerk!"
I just stared at them with a confused expression while Shouken just chuckled at the whole scene "Wow, I thought you only get riled with strangers but now I'm starting to think you're a tsundere~" She glared at Skouken with a flushed face
"I'm not a tsundere, I just get angry very easily." He just continued to laugh, so much that he held his stomach. She puffed out her cheeks in embarrassment while me and Yu just stayed silent.
"Geez, anyway, how have you been Shouken?" As he stopped laughing he replied "I've been good, and you?" "Ehh, school and work has been shit especially with a sleeping "Zero" around." I heard Yu just growl when he heard that name.
"Uhh, Zero as in the anime Vampire Knight?" I asked. Her expression turned bright and replied "Yep, it used to be my favorite show when I was a kid." "Wow, really, I've only heard of it though." She just replied with a smile on her face "It' s ok. Everyone has different hobbies."
I smiled back, and I started to have a conversation with Kagome of our happy memories together in the past while Shouken and Yu listened intently....
Time Skip
Yuichiro Pov
I'm so fucking glad we're done with that whole reunion shit.... I felt so fucking uncomfortable with that Tanmoku Ki, especially with him looking at Kagome with fucking infatuation/ puppy love.
I hate it so much! No one is allowed to have her unless they proven they're better than me.
"Is everything ok, Yu? You're scowling again." I sighed and looked at her "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just go home" I ruffled her hair playfully as she blushed lightly in embarrassment and mumbled out a small ok.
I smiled grinned lightly and started to walk ahead "Hey, wait for me!" I heard her shout when she ran next to me.
Shouken Pov
As Ki went to bed, I exited his room and went outside. I sat on the porch and closed my eyes.
I'm glad that master Ki, finally reunited with Kagome. He was so happy and reilievd to see her again. His smile was so lively and filled love. I knew that Ki loved her since he met her....
It kinda hurts to know that because I love him, but now I have feelings budding for her too.....
Her eyes are a beautiful shade of violet, her hair and skin so soft... she has a feisty personality........ Oh, God... I feel terrible.... But... is it bad to love 2 people?
I pondered at the thought until it hurt my head that I had to shake the thought from my mind.
I sighed and held my face in my hands, exhausted from the whole event. I'm thinking this too much. But who knows what will happen in the future...
But all I know for sure that I will protect my master with my life. And I'll keep my promise no matter what.....

YAY, I'M DONE!!😆 Anyway, this is an alternate version of the Bodyguard but sorry if this chap was bad. Btw,I hoped you guys enjoyed this and see ya readers in next chap!😄😄

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