02: gomen

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"Gomen, Tsukki!"

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"Gomen, Tsukki!"

Tadashi felt his lungs being filled with petals as he walked into the gym.

"S-suga-senpai," He weakly called. Koushi instantly reached for his pockets and found an extra of his inhaler and a ziplock. The older had asked Tadashi's family if he could be of any help after that day but of course, Tadashi himself was reluctant but he persisted. If there's anything he could do right now, it would be easing the intense pain that Tadashi's feeling.

Koushi excused themselves and went to a bathroom near the gym in Shinzen. As reach the bathroom, Tadashi sprinted towards the sink, snatching the ziplock from his senior and threw up. While throwing up, Tadashi can't help but to shed a few tears from all the gagging.

He gently rubbed circles on Tadashi's back. After the latter had finished throwing up, he let him have his inhaler. Koushi can't help but notice how much blood he was throwing up.

"Y-yama, the petals.." Koushi covered his agaped mouth, tears flowing on his pale cheeks. Tadashi smiled weakly, embracing his senior.

"I want y-you to know the truth senpai. i only have eight days left, i am not considering the surgery since, Kei is a part of me that i do not want to forget"

"Tadashi! Even though you have a childhood background with Tsukishima and I know you don't want to forget your love for him, please, for your sake. We don't want to lose a teammate, a brother, a friend. I-i don't want that. Call me selfish but I don't want to lose you," Koushi choked out, his cheeks and nose turning red.

Tadashi hugged him tighter. The words Koushi had said instantly made him have the worst dilemma. Would it just be better if I forgot about Kei? I mean, he already has kuroo-san, but I really treasured the moments we had.

Koushi and Tasashi returned to the gym. The older held Tadashi's hand protectively, both boys slightly red eyed, cheeks and nose pink, though Tadashi's throat is red unlike Koushi's.

"Again? tell me yamaguchi, what's really wrong?" Ukai Keishin, their coach, asked worriedly. It had been countless of times where he had to excuse Tadashi and Koushi and he knew what Daichi had told him was pure bullshit.

Tadashi looked at the male beside him, the grey haired side-eyed him back, making sure he's comfortable before Tadashi spoke again.

"Ukai-san, can we talked about this... privately?" he said in his softest voice possible. Keishin frowned and nodded, telling Takeda Ittetsu to take over for a moment. He led Tadashi to the back of the gym, making sure it was private.

"Now, please, tell me, as your coach and a somewhat guardian, what's wrong?" Keishin asked, worry still present in his voice.

"Uhm, I'm very sorry that Daichi-san had to cover for something that should be said.. Ukai-san, I have hanahaki and the more I stay with the team, the more it triggers it because my unrequited love is here," Keishin stared at the boy, wide eyed. Yes, he didn't believe it at first. i mean, who the fuck would? but he saw the signs.
Tadahsi and Koushi sticking together, Koushi having a pack of ziplock in his bag or pocket, them excusing themeselves when indirect and direct contact happens between Kei and Tadashi, Tadashi having a tube like thing visible in his pocket, Tadashi coming in with his throat red, heck even staying away from Kei!

"Do you receive medical attention?"

"I do. They keep me in track by the Hanashima app."

"Well, we have to take you away from Tsukishima, that's the only way we don't trigger your disease and for your symptoms to probably ease," Tadashi froze.

"W-wait! Please no! Can I just stay close to him for like a day or two then I'll be staying away? Yes, I am aware and ready for the consequences," He stared at the ground, fiddling with the hem of his with Karasuno volleyball club shirt.

Keishin patted his head, "I'll let you stick to him for like two days and then I'll have to keep you away. Is that good enough?" Tadashi looked up, stars in his eyes as he nodded vigorously.

"Thank you, Ukai-san"

"And also, is there some kind of cure you can get?" Tadashi stopped in his tracks. He looked back at ukai and gulped nervously.

"Y-yes. Taking a transplant is an option but after the surgery you'll lose memories t-that includes your unrequited love"

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