The Secret

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Charlie's POV
I keep reading the same text over and over again "Love Ya" but he can't mean it like that surely not as no one knows how I feel about him and I've not told anyone not even my little sister Brooke and I always tell her and my mum everything! This is one of the hardest secrets I've had to try to hide away from everyone. I guess it's time to tell someone but it can't be Leo not yet. I start to FaceTime "Mum♥️🔐" yet it just keeps ringing that's weird she always normally picks up when I call her. I just start reading over Leo's text until I get a notification that says
Text from "Mum♥️🔐" hey boo sorry I didn't answer I was sorting Brooke out is everything okay? Xx
Charlie: It's fine mum how is that squirt anyway? hope she's not in my room again🤦🏼‍♂️ And yh just feeling home sick that's all, we have a phew hours before I need to be at sound check so can I come and talk to you about something plz Xxx
Mum♥️🔐: Brooke is fine missing her big brother though and I promise she's not been in there and Charlie you don't need permission to just come and talk to me I'm your mum you can talk to me about anything. I'll see you soon then ok don't forget that Brooke and I will be at the concert tonight anyway Xx
I just read the text and go off to find Leo which is very easy when on a tour bus.
Leo's POV
I hear someone coming and shut my laptop as quickly as I could oh it's Charlie I wonder if he was going to give me an explanation for not replying to my text yesterday but oh well.
Leo: hey CharBear you alright you seem like you've just witnessed a crime
Charlie: Hey Leohoe I'm alright I'm just heading to go see Brooke and my mum so could you let management know and I'll be back for sound check or whenever you text me
Leo: yh sure will do tell them I say hi and I'll see them later then
*Charlie leaves the tour bus and runs all the way to his house*
Brooke's POV
Ok I know I wasn't meant to be in Charlie's room but he has so many cool things from when they went on BGT and The Elen Show and that's when I see the shoes on top of his wardrobe and I try to grab it but that was a bad idea as it crashes down onto the floor and brakes everywhere, I'm dead meat when Charlie finds out as he hates it when I'm in here that's when I hear mum running upstairs.
Karen's POV
I hope Charlie is ok and with that I hear a loud crash coming from upstairs so I run up to find class everywhere and Brooke with tears running down her face. I rush over to her not caring about the glass anymore and I comfort her until she comes down, She just hugs me and then we both her the famous shout "BROOKE MUM WHERE ARE YOU I'M HOME"
*Karen and Brooke go downstairs to see Charlie in the sitting room all panicky*
Brooke: um hey bro how come you're not on tour
Charlie: what have you done Brooke?! you seem nervous to see me and that's not like you at all and yes I am on tour with Leo but I had some hours to kill until the sound check *goes over and hugs her*
Karen: *takes a picture quickly* that's going straight on Instagram *Charlie rolls his eyes at her and then goes and hugs her too*
Charlie: I know this seems weird but can I tell you something kinda important that I've been hiding for awhile now
Karen&Brooke: Yes!!
Charlie: Ok the secret I've kept from the both of you is that I'm gay
Brooke: Yes Mum you owe me £20 *burts out laughing*
Karen: Brooke not now! *gives her a warning look*
Charlie: Seriously you was having a bet if I was gay or not wow thanks for the support Mum!
*Charlie runs back to the tour bus and locks himself in his room*

Heres a long update for you, I hope your enjoying the story so far and I will update the next part when we get 15 votes and 10 comments ~ Kat

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