The Text

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The Text Convo
Charlie: I.....I'm gay Leo and I've fallen in love with someone but I don't know if they love me...
Leohoe♥️: Aww Charbear it's ok that your gay I wouldn't take that against you and I'll support you fully was that what you where scared to tell me? Aww Charbear is growing up and has fallen in love with someone!!!!!
Charlie: I really don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for you Leo so thank you for supporting me and yh I was scared that it would make you think I was wired and everything and yh I have fallen for someone but like I said I can't tell them that I love them as I'm so scared they'll look at me differently 😔
Leohoe♥️: look Charbear your not wired your just working out who you are and anyone would be lucky to even be friends with you let alone date you!!! so just go with your heart and ask that person your falling in love with out on a date😉
Charlie: ughhhhhhhhh your so annoying but right at the same time 🤦🏼‍♂️ ok fine I'll ask them right now!!
Leohoe♥️: that's my boy just ask and see what happens Xx
*2 hours later*
Charlie's POV:
It's now or never I'm going to do it I'm going to ask my lover on a date *gets out his phone and starts typing "hey ummm I know this might sound wired but um will you go on a romantic date with me...😳😶"*

Hey I'm back and I know it's been wanted so here it is the text conversation between Charlie and Leo but who do you think Charlie is wanting to ask on a date? wait and see for my next update ~ Kat 🤙🏽

My true love...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz