The light *2

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Lioanas p.o.v ../

I was falling through darkness and pieces of me were faded..I have been for a month and what seems like two days..

I keep getting hit...Sheamis Axe noise and the crunching...Kyakos gun shoots at me....The twins knives get thrown at me..

I sometimes get hit.

The Color in my eyes has faded. I feel so weak and I can't move only barely.

A knife was punched into my shoulder and came was plunged back out.
I cried but the tears just floated up as if i was in water..

Black,dark,deadly ..water.

It was hard to breathe but it's probably from the blood lost.
I felt a bit of a fun bullet graze my cheek burning a scar into it.

Then a great big hole with a bright light shines through.
My eyes widened and I erged myself to swim up,I slowly did but as I reached the light...I saw me...but...she wasent exactly me.

I was in a sims game.

I pulled myself out and walked towards 'Me' I touched her shoulder and then I was sucked into her.

I looked down and i was in a MUCH nicer home then my own.. I walked around as I exit the house Kyako was in front of me.
"KYAKO!?!" I yelled.
Then I noticed she was just a sim character along with the others..

I also noticed I was in lauren-Senpais computer...

I'm free.

Roses are red
Violets are blue.
These things represent
My love for you.

'Our time' Dangthatsalongname XTsundere/YandereReaderXlaurenzsideWhere stories live. Discover now