World order

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hey, guys how you doing? its been a really really really long time I'm very busy right now but it seems you guys like this story very much so I will find some time to write it but now let's start

Child: It's TIME!!!!

One of the kid shouted as every child in nursery stop what they were doing and ran into the building to sit in front of a monitor in excitement. The monitor switch open to show a panda Faunus smiling

Uncle Ryan: Hello children of this great nation it's me, Uncle Ryan so it's that time of the day again now isn't it children? Before we start our regular programs I want to ask you all do you ever wonder why you are here? to answer that question I want you all to look at your kitchen you and will all see your mommy bot that are assign to care for you where your parents can't, cooking you a warm, delicious dinner for you all to eat, giving you all the motherly warmth you need and teaching you all how to survive in this cruel world we don't want our citizens to be eaten by monsters now would we? *chuckles* Now, children, I want you all to look through your windows. If you are located in Atlas you will see our great scientist working hard to create technology to make our lives more liveable but if you are in Vacuo you will see men who are working in what they do best to keep this great nation of ours going. Can you see it children? Well if you can't then let uncle Ryan tell you it's unity children unity that keeps Vale, Atlas, Vacuo even Mistral as one nation ruled by one great leader!!! It's Order that is the heart of our nation keeping our men to do whatever they can to keep our nation growing and the last is the peace that keeps everyone happy. now you know children see you all tomorrow have a nice day.

(A/N: Well now you know too!!! now that we are finished with the propaganda let's really start)

third POV

Ruby collapse from the sight of her sister beaten down to the ground by the guards as they laugh

Guard 1: what a mess you are yang!!!!

Guard 2: yes you're right but don't worry we gonna fix you up real good tonight now that your little sister isn't here anymore!!!

tears flow through Ruby face as she trying to stand up and go help her sister, to do at least something to help her dear sister but she can't she's too weak to fight she just not good enough, this wasn't the first time it happened either and yet here she is crying like a little girl. A warm pat on Ruby cause her to look up to see the wolf faunus giving her a smile even though there was anger in his eyes and walk toward the guards

(y/n): gentlemen I advise to stop what you are doing if you know what best for you

Guard 2: oh yeah? well NO this bitch own us a lot amount of trouble

(y/n): I see....

(y/n) twist the handle of his cane, sound of clicking can be heard and it's release into a bladed whip

(y/n): last chance

Guard 1: trying to scare us? whatever it's getting boring anyway

The guards draw their swords and launch themselves to (y/n) hitting him directly, Weiss scream at his bodyguard

Weiss: why aren't you guys doing anything!!! he's being attacked help him

The bear bodyguard: trust me, miss Weiss, I will only slow him down sometimes I ask myself why am I even here he can sure defend himself just look

Weiss looks back at the fight to see the blade of the swords not cutting into his skin but stuck to it by a hardened blood, (y/n) use this chance to punch the guards off of him to the ground and swang his bladed whip at them sending them flying chasing to the houses, he twist back his cane and it reattach itself to normal then Gideon comes running

(RWBY slave AU) male wolf faunus x rwbyWhere stories live. Discover now