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It was crazy when I got home. My mom was happy for me unlike my dad.He doesn't like Jocks, but I told him for the hundredth time we were always going to be just friends.

My Cell-Phone ringed, my dad laughed.

"Let me guess," he said "It's Felix your 'Friend'."

"You know what dad shut the hell up, in order for me to be here right now you had to pro-create, now if i'm not mistaken your worried about me doing the deed, in-fact father inevitably i'm going to fuck someone so get over it!"

He looked shocked but nodded. I walked away feeling satisfied. I listened to Felix's voicemail.

Goddamn he was so cute and thought I was mad at him. I called him back.

He picked up at the first ring.

"Marzia!" Felix said

"Felix i'm not mad at you, my dad just thought I skipped school with my 'boyfriend' and I was just angry he made me leave s-"

"It's alright Marzia." Felix replies

"But the reason I called before was not only to talk but to ask." he said

"Ask what?"

"Will you go on a date with me Marzia?" He asked

"But I thought you and Natalia-"

"I hate her it was arranged by my Dad and hers." he said

"But won't-"

"Yes or no Marzia?"

"Yes Felix of course I will!"


So i'm sad b/c the Salute Tour was cancelled and I was supposed to meet little mix 😭 Jesy is my queen omg😭

Sorry about a short update I have been trying to continue my Luke fanfic but can't get a good chapter.


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