-Jungkook x Reader- Safe Haven

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!Angst Warning! Abuse, mentions of rape

As he stalked down the hall, the smell of alcohol sticking strongly to his clothing, I cowered lowly in the cramped closet in our shared bedroom, filled with a mixture of fury and horror. Clutched in my trembling hands was a metal baseball bat held up in a defensive position. I was fully prepared to smack the shit out of my rotten excuse of a boyfriend if it came down to it.

For three nightmarish years this man tortured me; forced me into sex, tried to beat me into submission, and went to whatever lengths he had to prevent me from leaving him. I was finished with his shit once and for all.

"(Y/N), don't make this worse for yourself. I saw those messages you were sending to that fucker, Jungkook. Do you really think you'll be able to leave me? Didn't I show you a preview of what would happen if you tried," Leejin sang out, his voice nearing my hiding spot.

Before I could mentally prepare myself, the closet door swung open and Leejin lunged. My body moved on its own, and the bat connected with his left arm, making a dreadfully painful sound. I held the baseball bat to my chest and ducked under his legs as he cursed loudly and checked to make sure his injury wasn't severe. Once he was satisfied, he turned around and yanked me back by my hair before I could run. His face was twisted with a malicious sneer, and he pried the bat from my hands, dropping it on the floor.

"You just made a big mistake, (Y/N)," he growled, still pulling my hair harshly. As if I were a mere doll, he threw me across the room, and I hit the wall hard enough to knock the breath out of me.

I gasped for air and tried to blink the spots out of my eyes as he moved closer. "Get... Away. Please," I begged, my gaze flicking over to the bat that lay abandoned on the floor a few feet away from me.

Leejin only let out a raspy laugh, moving so close that I could smell the whiskey on his tongue. His uninjured hand struck me roughly across the face multiple times, causing me to cry out and sink to my knees. "Get up!" He yelled, kicking me hard in the stomach.

I choked on my own breath and sat there stunned for a few moments. By the time I finally registered what happened, he was getting ready to kick me again. I pushed myself forwards and closed my fingers around the handle of the bat and pounced, connecting the sports items with his head.


Leejin crumpled to the floor, knocked unconscious. I let out a strangled sob and dropped the bat, darting out of the house as fast as I could with a bunch of injuries. The neighbor's son was sitting on the front porch of their house, talking on the phone. When he saw me, however, his eyes widened and he hung up, rushing over to me. "Oh god (Y/N), what happened?" The teen questioned as he guided me into the house, sitting me down on the couch. "Do you need me to call anyone?" He was almost bursting with concern, and looked as though he was going to cry.

"Jungkook," I stated without a moment's hesitation, wincing at the pain every breath brought. I gave the boy Jungkook's number and he punched it in, dialed, and held it up to his ear, pacing anxiously. The kid's parents must've been out because no one came downstairs to see what was going on.

Your vision was dimming and you attempted to calm your heartbeat, but it didn't seem to work very well. You aimed your attention back onto the boy as he started talking. "Jungkook? Yeah, I'm (Y/N)'s neighbor. Please come over, she's bleeding and bruised all over and I don't know what to do! Yeah, okay. Thank you." He hung up and sunk down beside me, patting my arm lightly. "Stay awake, (Y/N). Jungkook said to keep you awake until he got here. Five more minutes (Y/N)," he pleaded.

I nodded slowly, taking deep breaths even though it hurt. I was trying my hardest, but I kept slipping in and out of consciousness, the world tilting and spinning in front of my eyes.

A little over seven minutes passed and the door slammed open, Jungkook standing there with disheveled hair and and alarmed look on his face. He dropped to his knees in front of me and took my hands into his. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry," he choked out, already able to guess what had happened to me.

I smiled slightly, the room slowly getting darker. "I did it Kook. I got away from him," I whispered.

And then everything went black.

A/N- So that's the first chapter y'all. There will definitely be a part two, so don't murder me.

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