Hide And Seek

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Okay so I wanted to write some fluff of the little boyfs but there is some minor swearing

Michael P.O.V

I have had a crush on Jeremy since 7th grade and I had gotten used to the feeling of him not liking me back because like it had been years. But I still get awkward around him in certain situations, like when he basically demanded that I stay the night at his house after we lost track of time playing games. Jeremy also told me that we would have to share his bed because there was nowhere else for me to sleep and when he said that I became an awkward blushing mess.

When the time came for us to got to sleep I was even worse, Jeremy fell asleep fairly quickly but I just couldn't manage to sleep knowing that my crush was laying beside me and that I might like try to hug him in my sleep or something. And as my mind was taking me to endless possibilities of what could have happened Jeremy turned around and god, did he look amazing... His hair fell perfectly on his face, his eyelashes looked longer than usual and he had a slight smile on his face.

I don't think that I've ever wanted to kiss someone more, so I just stared at him, not in a creepy way, but I liked seeing Jeremy so peaceful. And looking at him made me want to kiss him more.

He won't notice if you kiss his cheek

And I thought about whether or not he would notice if I kissed his cheek and I landed on the thought that he wouldn't, that might've been because I wanted to do it so bad but it took me a couple minutes before I had the courage to, and right before my lips hit Jeremy's cheek he turned in his sleep and my lips landed on his soft ones making Jeremy wake up.

Jeremy P.O.V

I woke up to Michael kissing me and I was surprised because I never thought Michael liked me like that. Then I soon realized that I was kissing back, then I noticed that I never really knew what my feelings were for Michael and once I realized that I loved him I felt my cheeks heat up. Michael pulled away and hid his face in his hands "I'm sorry dude I know you don't like me like that..." I could tell that Michael was on the verge of tears just by his voice so I sat up and put my hands on his "Michael... If I don't like you why did I kiss back?" Michael moved his hands away from his face "wait... You really like me? But I thought you like Christine?"

I smiled at him "Micha of course I like you, you're amazing, I just didn't realize what exactly I felt for you until now, and as for Christine... I don't know if I ever even really liked her because everything I felt for her didn't even come close to what I feel for you"

Michael's smile went from one ear to the other as he leaned in and hugged me, and of course I hugged back "so how long have you liked me?" I asked once Michael let go of me "promise you won't judge me..." I nodded my head

Michael looked down and quietly mumbled "since seventh grade" I laughed and Michael looked up at me with his big brown eyes "you promised you weren't going to make fun of me" that made me laugh harder and Michael turned around "c'mon Micha you know I wasn't trying to be mean"

Michael didn't move a muscle so I went up to him and hugged him from behind, nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck "Pay attention to me Micha" I said pouting.

"Jeremiah Heere, you broke a promise therefore you must do something for me" Michael said smirking. "and what is this task I will do for you?" I asked before Michael layed down on the bed, I followed and I wrapped my arms around him while I put my head on his chest

"you'll find out in the morning, I'm really tired" he said as he closed his eyes and wrapped his arm around me. I nodded, closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. When I woke up Michael wasn't in my bed so I got up and walked to the door.

I called out for Michael and there was no response so I thought I should check the bathroom. Still no Michael. I checked the kitchen there was no Michael but there was two notes, one from my dad saying that he was going to visit his new girlfriend Heidi and that he won't be home for the next two days, and the other was a note from Michael.

Dear Jeremy,
Because you broke your promise last night and I read the note your dad left I came up with an idea as to what your task that you have to do for me is, but I can't tell you exactly what it is. All you need to know is that you have to find me to figure out what the task is. Good luck player 2 💙

P. S. If you get really desperate to find me, text me and I'll give you a hint but you will have to do something for me💙

I chuckled a little at Michael's immaturity as I put the note in my pocket. Me and Michael never really played hide and seek so I never knew how bad I am at seeking and how good Michel is at hiding so after about 20 minutes of looking I pulled out my phone and noticed that Michael changed both of our contact names before I woke up because they used to be just our names but now they were 'player 1' and 'player 2'

Player 2🖤: okay give me a hint. Also why did you change our contact names?

Player 1💙: because I wanted to. And your hint is that I'm not upstairs. Now hurry up and find me it's getting boring hiding!

I smiled at my phone and put it back in my pocket. I searched in the rest of the house for about an hour but I still couldn't find Michael so I pulled out my phone again.

Player 2🖤: okay Micha where are you I suck at this game

Player 1💙: you do suck at this game, and your hint is that I can see your cute face😘

Player 2🖤: Micha, did you seriously just call my acne covered face cute?

Player 1💙: yes I did acne face now find me!

"MICHAEL MELL!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU! I NEED TO BEAT YOUR ASS FOR CALLING ME ACNE FACE!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs trying to keep myself from laughing and that's when I heard it, I heard Michael's laugh coming from the kitchen.

So I walked over to the island and started looking, then I opened a cupboard I had no idea that Michael could fit in, and there he was, in a cupboard laughing his ass off. I helped him up and he finally stopped laughing

"now Jer-Bear, you owe me three favours, number one is that you have to carry me everywhere I want to go today and tomorrow, number two is that you have to make me whatever food I want for the next two days, and number three... Hmm you can be in charge of setting up video games for a week"

I rolled my eyes when he finished "but we have school tomorrow and what did this have to do with hide and seek?" Michael smirked "nothing. and you still have to carry me around school. Now! take me to the couch Jer-Bear!" so I picked up Michael bridal style and carried him to the couch

"now I suppose that we are dating?" Michael nodded then looked away "well yeah... Unless you dont want us to..." I smiled and kissed him "I love you Micha of course I want us to" Michael smiled and we cuddled on the couch before putting on a movie to watch. We stayed like that for the rest of the day except for the few times Michael wanted me to get him a snack or when he wanted me to carry him to the bathroom. The next day at school everybody knew that me and Michael were dating the second Jenna saw me carrying him into the school.

Holy crap. I didn't mean for this to be that long... Oh well... (1463 words)

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