I love you Jer-Bear

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I decided to do a long fluff chapter to make it up to you guys for not posting!!

Micheal pov

I took in a long shaky breath before knocking on Jeremy's door. Heidi answered and lead me to the couch where Connor was sitting, looking uncomfortable in the black suit. he tugged at the cuffs and seemed nervous. I sat beside Connor and Heidi smiled, "Evan and Jeremy should be down any minute." I nodded and began to pick imaginary lint off of my suit pants. Connor cleared his throat and I looked at him, "Hows it going Micheal?" I shrugged, "Not bad you?" he nodded, "Me too." It seemed that neither of us were very good at small talk. I'd only met Connor twice and Evan about five times because most of the time Jeremy came to my house to hang out. Luckily before our awkward conversation could continue I heard Jeremy yelling at Evan to move so they could go downstairs. I turned and saw Jeremy in a black suit that clung to his body perfectly. He styled his hair so it perfectly fell of his forehead and had a bright red blush across his freckled cheeks. as I continued to take in jeremys features I saw evan walk out of Jeremys room in a baby blue suit, he smiled at connor, his entire face a bright shade of red.

Heidi complimented both boys many more times than I could count before turning to Connor and I, "boys get up. we have to take pictures." Connor rolled his eyes, but smiled. "Yes Ms. Hansen." I stood up and Heidi continued speaking to Connor, "How many times have I told you that you can call me Heidi?" Connor chuckled lightly walking towards evan and snaking his hand around his waist "Yes, Heidi" She smiled, satisfied with her work. I was standing beside Jeremy, about to tell him how great he looked when Mr. Heere made a loud entrance yelling, "Look at my boys! you all look great!" Heidi rolled her eyes and called him over "We need to take pictures"

Once Heidi was satisfied with the pictures she sent us on our way. we all got into my red pt cruiser and drove to the school, the ride was relatively calm and quiet, the only noise being the occasional comment from connor. When we arrived at the school I pulled out four tickets, handing two of them to Connor. They quickly exited the car and went towards the door. Jeremy and I got out of the car and leisurely walked towards the front doors. we handed the students at the entrance our tickets and walked inside the packed gym.

Once inside the gym I could barely hear anything other than the pounding of the bass and all around the gym there were couples making out. I took in the decorations and smiled, highschool was almost over. This was prom, our last time being all together before graduation. I smiled, thinking of the fact that we wouldnt have to deal with these people any longer. I was snapped out of my train of thought when I felt Jeremy tugging on my arm and whining my name. "Micha~ come onnn, we have to go meet everyonee~" I smiled at the cute boy as he dragged me through the array of sweaty bodies.

We found Jake and Rich making out in a corner, What a surprise I thought before finding Chloe, Brooke, Jenna, and Christine. We smiled at the group of girls as they called us over. Brooke and Chloe were talking about how slutty various girls were dressed, Jenna was taking photos for her blog, and Christine was trying to get her to dance. "Hey guys, you look good. Can you help me convince Jenna that she has enough photos and she should come dance with me now." Jenna smiled, taking a quick photo of us and Christine. "Now im done." Christine smiled, "Yay! now come dance, You guys too." she said motioning towards Jeremy and I followed by Brooke and Chloe. the two girls rolled their eyes before standing up and waking toward us. Christine smiled, leading us to the middle of the crowd. We danced until my legs felt like I couldnt move them anymore.

The first slow song of the night came on and I happily put my arms on Jeremys waist as he put his on my shoulders. As the song came to an end our lips pressed together and although this was probably the millionth time we had kissed it still felt like the first. when we pulled away we pressed our foreheads together, smiling. we stood like that for the next 3 songs, just swaying to the music.

We continued dancing until it was 11 and the dance was over. I drove a sleeping Evan and very in love Connor back to Jeremys house before driving Jeremy and myself back to my house. We quietly entered the house and snuck down into the basement. Jeremy sunk down onto our shared beanbag chair sighing, "My feet feel like theyre gonna fall off." I chuckled, "you'll be fine Jer, now which hoodie do you want?" He smiled, "I always want the same one so why do you ask?" i shrugged, grabbing my favorite hoodie out of the closet and throwing it at Jeremy. I grabbed my black hoodie and two pairs of shorts. One I kept for myself, the other I tossed towards Jeremy. I took off my tie and suit jacket. I turned around as I unbuttoned the white dress shirt. I felt a warm body cling onto my back and tuck their head into the crook of my neck. I smiled, I always loved it when Jeremy was this cuddly. He inhaled slowly. "you smell good." I smiled, "you always say that" I felt him kiss my shoulder and a smile spread across his face, "its always true." I smiled, "now get off me koala I need to change." he unhooked himself from me and walked to the bed. I quickly changed into my hoodie and shorts before crawling under the covers with Jeremy.

"Youre beautiful Micha" I smiled, "not as beautiful as you Jer." He smiled, a visible blush appearing on his cheeks. "I love you Micha, goodnight." I smiled, my heart beating quickly as he said he loved me. "I love you too Jer-Bear." i reached to my side, turning off the light and Jeremy snuggled towards my chest. I wrapped my arms around him. "Goodnight beautiful." I whispered as I began to drift off into sleep.

WOW a full chapter of fluff. Im impressed with myself. no angst here. Also THANKS FOR 150 READS WHEN I DISAPPEARED. I know youre probably getting tired of hearing sorry but SORRy for dissapearing. i love you guys so much, thank you for reading (1153 Words)


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