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"Look at him....he's so...perfect" Peter was practically drooling.
"Gross, he doesn't even know you exist" Nathan scrunched up his nose, he played with the apple Natasha had given him.
'A apple a day keeps a doctor away' the words echoed through his mind.

"Yeah he does, we were chemistry partners"
"When was that?"
"....that's not the point! He knows I'm alive and very much real" he stated proudly, Nathan just rolled his eyes.

They were currently sitting in the outside lunch tables of the cafeteria. The football field was right across, perfect for Peter to do some lurking.
"You should be supporting me not....bullying me"
"A Good best friend would be honest, or would you prefer lies"
".....sometimes I hate you"
"Stalking is no good"

Peter puffed angrily, he crossed his arms and continued sipping from a small juice carton.

The bell rang momentarily after, they got up quickly before Wade realized Peter had been watching. They quickly ran up the stairs and rushed across the hallways connecting Buildings A and B.

"Good Morning Mr. Banner and Mr. Stark-Rogers" their professor smiled. A weird uncomfortable smile that made them shudder.

They took their seats in the front, the cleanest desk unlike the rest that were scratched, engraved on, and unsteady.
This was his table, he made sure it stayed safe. He had a thing about keeping his things clean.

The class began filling up, Peter took a quick glance and starred at Wade's seat.

As always he was late.

A few minutes later his group of guy friends came in, they were laughing loudly over some joke.

His dirty blonde hair was everywhere. A bit of sweat dripping down his face. He was as good looking as ever.

He was laughing with his friends, other jocks that couldn't compare with Wade. They were all to short, dumb, or cocky to get Peter's attention.

Nathan nudged his shoulder signaling class had begun.

"Just a bit more"
"One of these days he's going to catch you and you'll get to know the real Wade Wilson"
"I know the real him, that's why he's so perfect"
Peter turned around facing the teacher, he was still lost in thought however.

Peter was smart, like his mom, and a bit fit, like his dad. His best friend was Nathan, who was for some reason better in all ways. Expect school related.
He was better in sports, getting girls, and being attractive.

"Nathan" Wade whispered, Peter's heart began racing. This happened from time to time, after all they played on the same team. Sport team.

"Party tonight, Jane's House"

Marry Jane, aka Miss perfect.
Peter hated her with a passion, she was always dressed in tight small clothes and pressing her breast against Wade like he belonged to her. Her boobs were as fake as her red hair, everyone knew she was a natural brunette.

"Cool, see you there"

Peter practically dragged Nathan down the stairs and towards the men's bathroom. He slammed the door open then checked all the stalls.
"We've been over this Pete, I'm not into-"
"You're taking me to his party!"
"Not his, it's Jane's"
"So we can't, she hates you, especially after what you did to her ex"
"How was I supposed to know he was allergic to windex, also I was aiming at her"
"Look, I won't go. You can stare at him all day tomorrow, ok"
"No buts. Hurry, I want to eat"
Emergency meeting.
Next Avengers Generation.

"Good morning avengers, as the future heroes of our world you must understand that there are rules. Being the children of the avengers means you have priorities and jobs to do" Maria announced.

They were in a private classroom that they all attended after school. The room was different from the others, they had higher technology with expensive furniture.

"Everyone here has amazing abilities that will someday be used to save others"

Nathan had hulk powers. No need to say more.

Jamie, Thor and Loki's child, had the ability to control thunder, rain, and use powers like Loki.

Harriet, Ash and Bucky's child, was a trained fighter and professional gunmen.
He's also the prince of the underworld but nobody knew.

Peter had Spider powers. He was also given a suit by his mother, Tony Stark.

Then there was Matt Murdock. Blind superhero, also known as Daredevil. Peter secretly looked up to him but never actually talked to him.

They were five members to the next avengers.

"To begin with, training will begin tomorrow. Your schedules will be changed and your guardians will be notified. We have new exams, fail them and you're out"

"Ma'm" Matt raised his arm.

"Yes Matt"
"Who is our newest member"

"What do you mean" she muttered nervously.

"There are seven heartbeats in this room" he replied, his facial expression was serious.

"Only members are allowed here" Nathan added.

"You're right......very perceptive......come in Deadpool!" She raised her voice a bit.

A tall man with a red suit entered. His hands were ok his hips as he was watched them with a grin.
"Hey everybody"

"Who's this" Peter asked. The voice was oddly familiar. The guy looked childish, his pose was funny and he had a weird vibe.

"Deadpool! But you can call me daddy" he winked, Peter almost puked.

"Lets be appropriate here" Maria shook her head, "I'm afraid our new member has asked to keep his identity a secret"

"That's an option!?" Jamie asked in shock.
"Yes, as of now it is. He is very good at what he does.....also.....He has a rare condition, please, I hope you can understand"

"I'm a God! Don't I deserve the same benefits!"
"Calm down Jamie" Nathan muttered.

Small water droplets hit the window.

"Sorry...." he sat back down. The sprinkling stopped.

"Enough with the introduction! Where do I sit"

"Of course"

Peter should have known when he saw a empty chair beside him. There had always only been five, now there was six.

"Well What do you know, I guess we're meant to be" Deadpool cheered as he took a seat beside Peter, "we're going to get along just fine" he sighed happily.

There was something about that sigh that made Peter shiver.

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