The Begining

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"Harriet~" I set my gun down and turned to face my mom, "Daddy's here!" She chirped.
My dad walked in with two guards following behind him.

"How are things" he smiled.

I looked at him, expressionless.
It wasn't something I did on purpose. Everything was just....serious.

I nodded my head and walked away.

"Love....everything ok" my dad muttered towards my mom.
"I told him his grandfather was coming for a visit...."
"....let me have a talk with him"

My mom walked away as my dad stepped closer to me.
"Everything ok..."
"Yeah....." I lied. How was I supposed to be. My grandfather was coming. The person who forced my family into working for the underworld. We're supposed to be hero's.....not ruining lives.

"Son....I promised you I was going to get you out. That I was going to stop this..." His metal arm touched my shoulder. "And I'm going to keep that just remember..keep your friends close but your enemies closer"

Peter's POV:
"I hate you" I muttered for the hundredth time to Nate. He rolled his eyes and opened his locker.

"I love you too Pete"
"How could you leave me with him!" I whined.
"He likes you" he chuckled while stuffing in his Physic's book and taking out his Calculus notebook.

"I bet he looks like a weirdo underneath, his voice says enough-"
"Oh my gosh" he stopped me "What if he's secretly wade underneath!" He dramatically gasped.

I slammed shut his locker and glared at him.
"I'm just saying, same height and same age....I think"
"Don't compare a guy running around in red tights to my husband!"
He gave me confused look.
"Ok fine....but I only wear them when necessary...he wears them all day" I puffed up my cheeks angrily.
"You're adorable Peter"

He slipped in his notebook in his backpack before we walked to the cafeteria.
It was lunch time and today's meal consisted of a tuna sandwich with chocolate milk. Yum.
Our group had already reserved our table and had two seats empty for us.

"Hey Nathan!" Mary Jane waved, her arms were wrapped around some guy like a snake choking its prey to death. She let go of him and walked towards us, her hips swaying left and right. Disgusting.
"Are you coming to the party" she smiled.
It wasn't even a question, more like a statement.

"Nah, I'm staying with Peter to play video games tonight"
'Video Games' the secret code for wearing our suits and running around the city.

"Oh" she muttered, "Are you sure" she raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, he's my brother!" He wrapped an arm around me happily.
I smiled. If there was something that I loved more than Wade it was seeing Mary Jane losing.
Her smile disappeared and was replaced by embarrassment, "Natha-"

"Is there a problem here?" my heart began to race as a familiar blonde approached us. His eyes weren't directed to me but towards Nathan, they weren't happy eyes either.

"What did you do Nate" I whispered.
"What do you mean?" he muttered back.

Why was he mad....unless...
"Darling" Mary Jane slithered her arms on his amazing sculpted chest. My property.

"Nathan" Wade walked closer, his glare never leaving, "I need to talk to you" He took Nathan's arm off of me. As if I was a disease or something.

"Isn't that a shame" she smirked, her snakiness clearly showing, "poor boy, mommy and daddy aren't here to save you....and now" she paused, "you're big brother isn't here either"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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