Chapter 6

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Another admission

Like during most sessions, I closed my eyes so I could fully immerse myself into the scene again. Once I closed my eyes, I let the sights, smells and tastes flow over me like a river of icy memories. I described every detail to William like I usually did and like usual, I sunk into the scene so much that I lost touch with my surroundings.

The place I was in was dark, the terror seizing type of dark. Apparently, today's victim had a million thoughts going through her head, but one thing she kept going over in her mind was the moment her terror began. She had been going down her normal route back from the restaurant she always went to with co workers every fortnight on a Tuesday. She didn't think much of her surroundings since she had always been safe during her usual walks home.

The Core had lulled many Normal Middle Class citizens into a false sense of safety. The Core's safety was an illusion. The Core never broadcasted the everyday crimes that actually took place, only the biggest stories that showed two obvious sides, the Core as the heroes and the keepers of the peace, and then the bad people who threatened our perfectly arranged way of life. I laughed inside my head, inside her head that was so full of ignorance that I was almost crying with pity. She was so clueless, thinking the world was safe. There were no who dared to go against the Core's law. Everyone knew the Core would catch you in a heartbeat. They had the technology to cross check DNA and because everyone was in the Count Check, that all the bad people would get caught in an instant, if they were that stupid, that is.

The Normal, the middle class, were idiots, fools, blinded cattle feeling content in a fence of false safety and lies. Of course there are people who dare the Law, because the Law is what every person, at one stage or another, have thought of crossing. Some are just desperate, foolish and cunning enough to cross the Law. Oh how terribly wrong this poor woman was.

She sat in the dark with me inside her head, looking through her eyes. She was in a dark room, which I assumed considering, like I said before, I couldn't see anything, not a flicker of light. Her emotions were a whirling, confusing mess that almost gave me a migraine with how hard I was trying to understand them. Just when her terror levels were overcoming her other whirling emotions, a crack appeared in the shape of a door frame. Someone on the other side must have turned on a light.

She was almost relieved that at least she was no longer in complete darkness. I could really see how complete darkness and solitude could cause people to go mad. It was also the unknown that caused panic and the leave of their sensibilities. I was attentive and concentrated on every moment and aspect of the situation. Having done this type of thing for years, I could some what overcome my baser instincts to claw in panic along with her. But I was still terrified because these visions never ended well.

The door opened and the bright light made the woman wince as her eyes adjusted. There in the light stood a shadowy figure. He wore all black. A memory came back to her and she recalled how she was taken. Walking, like many did, listening to music, she didn't notice the van sidle up beside her or the sudden side door opening and arms swiping her into the dark abyss. In a blurry memory, she recalled men in all black and them sticking her with a needle before she could even make any cry of surprise.

She trembled violently at the unknown and inched away from him. He just laughed in delight at her fear and I shivered that he could find pleasure in another's terror. With that one laugh, I knew this one was going to be one of those I would remember for a long time.

"So, Bethany, how you liking our accommodation? Bethany Stenford." He whistled in appreciation at her name while looking her up and down like a piece of delectable meat. "Nice. You'll do nicely." A shiver ran down her spine so potent that I felt the ghost of it as I sat in the secret store room sized confession room.

In her terror, Bethany felt the burning as her eyes grew wide in fear. She hiccuped and started to cry with fear. So swept up in the terror and sorrow of Bethany in the darkness, I nearly jumped and fell off the cushion when William said something.

"Good, we've got a name. Let me just cross check the data to find the location." He murmured a little too loudly.

I resumed the vision. The man in black came further into the room and she inched away from him as much as she could. She hit a wall with a resounding thud, like a sound of inevitability. He grabbed her arm, digging in his jagged nails. He towed her up the cold concrete stairs into the blinding light. Her breathing became impossibly more rapid and her lungs began to ache in her panic attack.

Even recounting it quickened my breath and I tried to calm myself enough to carry on. The sight I saw through her eyes as we exited the basement room brought tears to my eyes. Screams and cries echoing around the cold walls. The rooms locked but with viewing windows, the people doing horrific things.

"Where.. I?" Bethany stuttered in absolute terror. Her handler smiled cruelly.

"Your worst nightmare. Welcome to Mulberry District D." He laughed darkly and pulled Bethany along with powerful, inescapable strides.

She was thrown into one of the rooms. It was damp and the bed in the middle of the room looked like it had remnants of past horrific things. She struggled even more as he brought her up to the bed. He threw her onto it and pinned her there while he fiddled with cuffs that were attached to the metal railing. She looked around in a panic to see any path for escape. Having secured the cuffs around her wrists and ankles, the man stood to survey his handy work. His smile became demented.

"Hey, boys, we got a new one." With those words, four other men emerged from the shadows. Tears steamed in from her eyes and her sight became blurry. The men around the bed started working at their buckles and zips.

"Please. No. I'm begging you. Stop." She flooded out.




"Stop! Emna! You can stop. I found it!" William's voice brought me back from her pleading and screams for help. I sighed a shaky breath out. I trembled slightly.

"I'll get up the number." William gave me a moment to collect myself while he brought up the number for the next stage.

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