Laugh, Piano, Giggle

12 4 1

KAOS_mhz tagged me. Gracias!


1. Mention who tagged you
2. Do it in less than 3 days
3. Say 10 things about you
4. Tag 28 people
5. Add a title to the tag
6. Tell a joke
7. Add a spoiler to to one of your books
8. Add these rules to your tag

I. I'm human

II. I live on Earth

III. I breathe in oxygen

IV. I breathe out carbon dioxide

V. I like rock n roll

VI. I'm sitting at the moment

VII. My favorite Beatles varies, but at the moment it is John

VIII. I don't write as much as I use to, but I still write now and then

IX. I don't think I did this 9 right

X. I'm in the summer and thankful for it


What do ya call a laughing piano?

A Yamaha-ha-ha-ha


Whoever wants to do this tag can do it


Spoiler: Petty Little Beatles takes a sharp left turn from cute and warm-heart to something of the opposite...




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