Third Law of Motion

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Pairing: XiuHun, HunHan
Genre: Romance, Angst

Summary: Third Law of Motion: In every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. A bad argument caused Sehun to lose Luhan but he got to know Minseok a little better. Could any law of physics explain their sudden chemistry? Or is it all an illusion of wary hearts?



For a few seconds that's all they did after MinSeok opened his door to answer the knocking at 7 or something at night. He was surprise to say the least. Oh Sehun aka his best friend LuHan's boyfriend never turned his way if not for a reluctant wave or anything that would acknowledge his existence. The dinners he had with the couple always turned awkward that he prefers to leave early. For two years of knowing the younger, MinSeok can't remember a single proper conversation between them so seeing the boy at his door step is near to impossible, how could he even know where he lives?

"Please" Sehun starts and MinSeok already knows.

"Come in" just for decency, the older let the other in though he knew that's all he could do for the younger

Sehun sat at the couch, fidgeting for a few moments to try and get comfortable as MinSeok went straight to the kitchen to prepare coffee for his guest

It was a no-brainer to assume they were awkward. They were just sitting opposite each other occasionally sipping their drinks. The unsaid question hangs heavy in the air until MinSeok decided to break it as he heaved a sigh

"I don't know where he is"

"I know you do, please"

"Let me get this straight. I don't want to be mean but even if I do I won't tell you. You hurt him"

"I never did! He was thinking too much!.." SeHun started to fuss but immediately got his calm back

"...LuHan said you think I'm too young to be serious about him. If I need to ask you every day just to prove how serious I am, I would..." he bowed, looking the other straight in the eye "...Thanks for the coffee" he muttered before marching to the door

For the rest of the week days Sehun has, no miss, knocked on the older's door at exactly 7pm to ask where he'll find LuHan and MinSeok would just open the door to shut it close to his face. Some days MinSeok feels guilty treating the other like that, sometimes he use it to lash out his frustration that accumulated through the day. It was a routine for five days until Saturday came.

MinSeok was just a flight of stairs away from his abode when he saw the snickering Chen who gave him a clap on the back

"Your suitor's early today. Told him you're not home but he insisted on staying."

"Suitor?" the grin on Chen's lips didn't help for the information to click but MinSeok did notice it when he realized who the other was talking about. He walked fast and saw the young one stiffling a yawn, his back flat on the older's apartment door as he sat on the cold floor. He shuffled up once he noticed that MinSeok was there

"It's just 5pm"

"Night shift so I came early"

Minseok just walked past to open the door and beckons the other inside though with a bit annoyance. He thinks it's too much to wait for him since morning. SeHun should have listened to Chen not that MinSeok would ever admit on agreeing with his dinosaur neighbor, he just doesn't want to be accountable to anything bad, not that he starts caring about the brat. SeHun's face might be perfect especially his aegyo but that doesn't mean he's growing a soft spot on MinSeok, no way. He just doesn't want to be responsible if the younger fall sick.

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