26 of May

13 0 0

Tonight the pain is palpable. My brain going into tailspins. Finding new things as I drown in the memories. He's doing drugs now. Drinking like a fish. Skipping down the road that killed his parents. Tonight I hurt. Ghost pains of last year add the occasional ache to a mouth connected to my reeling body.  It was a calm love, a subtle love, and achy painful scary love. Even in the good times it was a somber love. I just couldn't take the manipulation. Couldn't handle the constant mind fuck. When I tried to end it he got in my face, when I tried to end it he played me like a puppet on strings. He new how to hurt me just enough to get me to do what he wanted.
Last spring was so hard. I had so many problems and issues and pain. How long until I stop feeling the aftermath?

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