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He awoke that morning to Cori sitting up, having just woken up. He watched as she reached for her phone immediately, looking worried and sighing when she realized Alex hadn't sent her a good morning text.

He saw her off as she left for her weekend job, giving her a kiss goodbye and wishing her a good day.

"We'll talk to mom when you get home, okay?", he said, nodding towards her stomach. Cori gave a small smile, before saying "Bye dad, I love you".

It wasn't but an hour later that the SUV filled with his wife and other kids pulled in to the driveway.

"Hey baby!", Money said, as his younger daughter ran in to his arms.

"Daddy!", she squealed. "You should've seen it! I rode the four wheeler all by myself! And we went swimming in Grandma and Grandpa's pool, and then we went to play mini golf, and, and, and-", she said excitedly. "And Joshy won this for me!", she said, holding up an orange stuffed gorilla.

"I named him Morris Fuzzbutt!", she announced, and Money let out a hearty laugh.

"Morris Fuzzbutt? Damn, do you come up with some names for your dolls, girl!", he said, setting Julie down as his wife Molly came in carrying the car seat in one hand, her other hand holding the hand of their son, Oliver.

"There's my little man!", he said, as a little toddler came toddling in beside Molly, grinning broadly with a pacifier in his mouth when he saw his daddy.

Oli  excitedly toddled towards his father, nearly falling a few times, but he had nearly mastered the art of walking. And Money scooped him up, making the boy giggle loudly as he kissed him.

"I missed my babies!", he said. "And my babe", he smirked, leaning forward and kissing his wife on the lips. "Mmm, yeah. I really missed you", he said with a wink.

"Oh, Jacob! It was only one day!", Molly laughed.

"You're saying that to the man who wants know least three times a day", he said with a laugh. "Hmm isn't that right? That's why you've got so many damn siblings isn't it? Yes is it, baby boy!", he said to Oliver, who has no clue what his father was saying but giggled anyways.

"And you might just get another once I get ahold of your mommy tonight", he added.

"Yeah, I doubt that!", Molly called with a laugh, as she went to go help Julie unpack.

"We'll see about that, won't we?", he asked Oliver, before plopping down on the couch.

"We're are my other boys?", he called to Molly, as he played with Oli.

"Josh and Elliot went out with their girlfriends", she called back. "They'll be home by eight".

"Seems like daddy isn't the only one that'll be getting lucky today", he winked at Oliver.

"Would you stop that!", Molly laughed as she came back in to the living room.

"Oh come on, he doesn't know what I'm saying", Money laughed back. "I could be talking about asparagus for all he knows!".

"No scargus!", Oliver suddenly shouted. Th little boy had a high dislike for vegetables.

Molly and Money both laughed.

"He understands more than you think", she said, giving him a lighthearted warning glance.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah", he rolled his eyes.

Julie came racing in to the room and towards the basement door then. "Woah, woah, woah, where are you off to, little missy?", he asked, jumping from his seat and racing towards the door before she could go down.

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