2: Eclipse City

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'Ding!' The bread from the toaster popped out, and I spread some strawberry jam on it, with a thin coat of sugar. I munched on my breakfast as I looked at my watch. 8:46. Shoot! I'm late for work! And Alexandra already left for work 30 minutes ago... 

I'm Theo Jones. Don't be misguided by my sister. Not all of us are so 'high-class' I have an internship at Silver Engineering. I just got the job a week ago. I've always had an interest in engineering, specifically technology. Recently, we've been doing our work based on space. We get access to space materials, and use it for things here on earth. 

I don't use iPhone Gold transportation, I prefer the normal transportation options. I rode my motorcycle and zoomed it to my lab. 

What a nice day- I'm sure all of you would picture a good day as sunshine, birds are chirping. But not in Eclipse City. Days in Eclipse City involved Flying Drones, Elephantine skyscrapers, and developing technology. 

'Late again. Mr.Jones... I'm pondering, why did you apply for this internship if you're going to be late everyday?' Dr. Blue said sarcastically. 'Go into the lab, we're having a meeting.'


'Tomorrow is the annual eclipse every year. Thousands of people are coming into Eclipse city. I need you guys to stop the Butterfly Affect Project for the mean time, and get exclusives and proposals on tomorrow's eclipse. I need all reports on my desk by today 2pm.' Alexandra ordered. 

Tomorrow's eclipse isn't just any eclipse. Tomorrow a meteorite will be landing on Eclipse City. And something tells me something special is going to happen tommorow.

As her colleagues left the meeting room, someone slid their hands around her waist, 'Morning, sweetheart'. I screamed, 'Don't do that Grant!'

Grant was her boyfriend. He had light brown hair and had adorable eyes. Although he can be a bit sneaky, he's nothing less that perfect.

'I was thinking...sushi tonight?' He asked, contemplating.

I frowned and replied, 'Sorry. Tommorow's the Meteorite Eclipse. I need to get the story up by tonight. How about you eat with your mom?'

He replied, 'Oh, it's fine, I understand. I can't wait for tomorrow though!' He said as he looked at the draft I was making. 'But, how does it relate to Time Travel?'

'Supposedly, the meteorite's velocity creates a wormhole in time that will rip through the wall that is time to...well time travel! Look, I'm no scientist but this is going to be huge.'

'Sweet! K, I gotta Go!' He left with a smirk on his face.

'I know you guys are all curious of our new project, Well we Can finally announce it' Dr Blue said with proudness

'Drum Roll...' Theo said and he started Drum rolling on the meeting table. All the other colleagues stared at him like he was an alien. Akward!

'Anyways' Dr. Blue continued. 'We are going to be building a time machine!' Everyone gasped.

Theo's POV
A Time machine? What if... I go back to that night. The night that Mom and Dad died?

Flashbacks started ocurring
'Are you sure it's okay to take the bus at night?' I asked, petrified of the night.
'Stop being a scaredy cat Theo. It's fine. Mom and Dad are waiting for us, let's go!' Alexandra wailed.
The night was always a fear of mine. The darkness. The isolation. The cold.
I stared at the empty road as we waited for the bus as the cold air tickled my skin like it was a naughty child.

The bus had arrived. It screeched to a stop in front of me. I put my coins in the collection box labeled: 50 cents.

I walked behind my sister as the bus started moving. Almost all the seats were empty. I've never been on the bus at night, simply because I never went out at night. That was 14 years ago,  most likely I would be curled up in my room staring at the web searching for new randomness I could endulge myself into.

I guess you could say Alexandra was more social than me back then. Well, no denial, she was. At the young age of 8 she was already going to friends' houses at night, without getting permission.

'Next Stop Please!' She wailed to the bus driver.

A few seconds later, the doors flung open, as Alexandra and I hopped out.

The silence was like the street was dead. I  had never been on the Street at this time of night. 'I'm cold.' I said. 'We're almost home, slugger' Alexandra rolled here eyes.

We stepped onto the porch as I took my sneakers off. Alexandra put down her bag as she waited for me.

Abruptly, she whispered, 'Theo. Hide behind the bush. Now.' She demanded with a concerned yet anxious Look on her face.

Everytime she put on this serious face- I knew, we all knew something bad's gonna happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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