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Author's note

Assalamo Alaykom

I won't ask if you are okay cause I know you won't response nevertheless I hope you are all fine and enjoying Ramadhan.

Enjoy reading guys! Don't forget to comment and vote, haven't received any comments from my six chapters It would be nice if I can receive one, you know just to make sure that I actually have readers although I am already thankful that I received few reads and few votes.

Okay, you must be getting bored with my so called persuasive speech so start reading!

Jabaliya POV

I am walking with Ilhami she's 9 years old and a 3rd grader, Ilhami and I are very much opposite not just with our physical appearance but with character too. She has local facial feature she has tanned skin, cute face as if ready to smile every time? She have a lot of friends and very bubbly.

when I pick her up from her room she started her monologue although I just answer her with yes and no she still keeps on talking usually she would stop talking only when she is asleep.

despite our differences I love her so much and I would do anything for her just don't tell her that because she might stop doing her designated house chores and let me do it to prove my unconditional love to her.

In my own opinion, having a sister is like having a destined blood best friend, a real sister is someone will stick to you at all cost, she might judged you for making making mistakes but at the end of the day she will try to comfort you.

I sincerely thank Allah for blessing me a sister, I know being older sister comes with huge responsibilities, it means being model and upright person, there is so many challenges that will come into our life but I hope not to fail that test and be able to stand proudly in front of my beloved sister.

I am about to opened our front door and say salam, when I heard Abi arguing with Hanafi. We went directly to our room and I turn on the TV so Ilhami can watch her favorite carton I am sure it's enough to distract her attention from what's happening outside while I can still hear their argument , it's quite loud that It's audible from my room.

" you are already 22 years old Hanafi, but you still engage in fist fight, Ya Allah! When are you going to mature?" Said by my father desperation is in his voice while trying to restrain his rage.

"It just like you Abe to judge me without even listening to my side" Hanafi answer in a loud voice, it's haram for children to raise their voice toward their parents it seems that Hanafi forget it, should I remind him that later? Oh no! He might channel his rage on me, it would be better if I keep my mouth shut.

" oh! What could possibly the reason that compel you to beat that guy like there is no tomorrow?" Said by Abe in a sarcastic voice, it's not old news for Hanafi to be involve in a fist fight hence father is not convince with his so called reasons.

"That guy humiliated me, called me a loser and acted all above me just because he has a degree and I don't have"

" so you got ashamed with those remarks huh? And feel that you have to defend your pride by using your fist, don't you know that it's most effective to defend your pride by being successful like him?"

" successful? Don't think so, He might have a degree but he don't have a job he still lived off his parents"

"That maybe true, but he has more opportunity to have a job than someone like you who didn't even his finish high school"

" and what do you want me to do? go back in high school at my age and be tutored by your most favorite daughter huh?" Referring to me as father's most favorite daughter. I got sorrow with my Hanafi's remark it's obvious that he doesn't like me that much.

"Don't drag Jay in this, You know that I love all of you" said by father in a resigned tone

" Oh yeah? I would have believe it if you treat us fairly, for you everything she does is perfect while whatever we do needs to be scrutinized" Hanafi said

My mother arrive so they stopped their argument, now tears slowly falling from my eyes, doesn't he know? That it's not easy trying to be perfect, I have to endure those sleepless, cold nights which the desire to lie in my soft bed and cover myself with a warm blanket is almost uncontrollable but I can't concede to it, can I? The bitter taste of a native coffee that I have to drink so sleep won't overcame me while making my school assignment and memorizing my lecture.

To be a teacher's pet which my classmate silently laugh about, the heavy rain that didn't stop me from going to school so I'll have perfect attendance. I didn't even let any minor sickness impede from attending my classes.

I have to do all that so I can be a consistent class valedictorian which father would be proud of, I don't want him to think that all his children are loser and all his sacrifices is in vain, I want him to have something to share when he's talking with his friends about their children, it's almost like I am compensating for my brother's lacking. I thought it's what sister do.

And it hurt me that instead of earning his approval, I earned his anger, I just want my brother to love me, is it so wrong for me want that? Hanafi has been cold to me ever since I can remember, He never congratulate me when I achieve something but he would criticize me if i did any mistake, now I know he will never love me. I feel a small arm trying to hug me its Ilhami, there is a tears in her eyes. Sadness is visible in her cute face, I feel bad that I made her cry.

"Jay, don't cry I feel sad when I see you cry" she repeatedly says. Slowly I feel relaxed, I can think rationally now I don't have to be desperate to have something I can't have, I just have to be contented with I have, contentment is a key for happiness after all.

I hugged Ilhami tightly and rub her back, " I am not crying now my Princess, In fact I am just happy that I caught your attention, I thought you love Barbie more than your sister" I said trying to calm her down.

" Of course, I love you more than her she isn't real, is she?" She is sitting comfortably at the side of the bed, looking at me as if my idea is the most ridiculous idea she ever hear.

I chuckled and started to tease her " Lucky me then, cause she isn't real now I have your undying love huh"

Our moment is distracted by a knock in the door, It's Ome calling us

"Jay, Ilhami come to the Kitchen and prepare the dinner"

" Yes Ome" we answer in almost chorus.

We went to the kitchen together, I open the fridge and get some vegetables to make soup and frozen fish which I plan to fry later. I told Ilhami to slice the vegetable and start preparing the spices while I cook rice and thaw the fish. After almost an hour we are done. I called Ome we started setting the table.

" Jay, how's school?" Ome ask while putting 2 medium scoop rice to the plates,

" We are preparing for college entrance test on september so we are kind of busy"

" just try your best darling, it's what matters"

" In sha Allah Ome"

After few minutes, we are done setting the table and Ilhami called everyone. We eat silently drown in our own thoughts.

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