The First Meeting

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Chapter 1. The First Meeting (title by Kate Swag_Min_Jeon )

                      It was a stormy day. Thunder rumbled in the distance and the winds were screaming, bolts of lightning cracked the blue sky when i heard a sound. I thought it must be a wild animal in the jungle but when i heard closely it sounded like a cat. I went closer to the sound i saw a girl. I was surprised perhaps a girl who loved cats could only make sounds like cats, I thought.

                   I asked that girl what is her name. She said her name was Kate. She seemed scared of me, maybe because i am the QUEEN. I took her to my Kingdom and made her my servant. She happily followed my orders. This was my first meeting with Kate.

                   After few months we had guests from the neighboring Kingdoms. A small kid entered our Kingdom, she said she is Princess with swag. Oh how delusional that kid was, she didn't have swag whatsoever. I started calling her Princessa, she was smart for a 14year old. She was wiser than my slave Kate, so i decided Princessa should forever stay in our kingdom.

                      Few weeks later, there was a war. All my allies turned out to be backstabbers. After investigation it was found that due to the ignorance of my loyal servant Kate, we are going to have a war with the enemy kingdom. Kate thought its a good idea to share our secrets with other kingdoms, what a dumbass oof.

                      There were fatal explosions on all the sides of my kingdom. There were sounds of bullets hitting, the smell of gunfire intoxicated my breathing, i knew we were losing the war but i couldn't do anything. The wise Princessa came with a plan, she helped Kate and me to run far away from the warzone.

                      If it wasn't for wise Princessa we would be dead because of Kate. But anyway after that we three became friends, i still remained the Queen.

The End
(not really but idk wtf am i supposed to write next)


Author's Fucking Note

This shit is fictional, we actually met through a twitter GC, when i first met Kate i thought she is 20 bcoz Kate seemed like a mature person's name to me but she turned out to be a dumbass. jkjk i love her.

When i met Princessa, i didn't think she is a kid, she surprised me with her wisdom. She is an intellectual, who works hard im proud of her. See you in the next chapter

—Queen May 👑

Alternative story by Kate :

Alternative story by Kate :

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