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Chapter 2. Grr

                    We ran for our lives until we were safe, little did we know we were not. The moment we looked around, we knew we fucked up. To make matters worse Kate yelled her lungs out because she was a coward. Her high-pitched scream was deafening. I genuinely wanted to kill her, that is, if the zombies didn't.

                    Speaking about zombies, the moment we saw one approaching towards us we ran for our lives. By 'we' it means Princessa and me. Our stupid Kate stood still, waiting for the zombie to eat her. Princessa looked towards me with worried eyes "I think we should save her" she said. "Nah let her dumbass die" I said jokingly. We both laughed our asses off.

                    A rotting smell permeated the air. The zombies were ugly. In all my years living in the kingdom having regal treatment, I never thought I would be standing between a zombie war. The horde of zombies came closer and closer to Kate, who was now frozen with fear.

                    The zombie's blood shot eyes darted over Kate. Groans came from the zombie's mouth when he found food. I recoiled in horror as I saw what appeared in front of me, Kate was no more a human. She had an expressionless face, her jaw was broken with her tongue lolling out. Her hands were like sticks, her disgusting nails creeped me out. She looked worse than a ravaged dog.

                      I was busy focusing on her ugliness, that I didn't realize she will turn me into one of them. She stood there few inches away from me. I looked around only to find that Princessa was long gone. That sly bitch didn't even bother taking me along with her.

                      I was about to dart away, but when I turned around I became aware of the fact that the zombies were all around me, Im going to breathe my last. That was my final thought because after that I met darkness, my old friend.

Few Hours later

                    I stood up, i felt dizzy, loud music greeted my ears. It was still dark so I knew I didn't pass out for long. "Where am I?" I said to no one in particular, but the only sound that came out from my mouth was a "Grrrrr". I looked down at my limbs, I realized im a fucking zombie, damn this felt dope.

                  I saw my zombie friends cheering or should is say 'Grrr-ing', I wondered what was going on. The music grew louder as i approached my fellow zombies. I spotted Kate. She growled in appreciation when she saw me.

                     Princessa was dancing in happiness, like she was celebrating something. I had never seen her this happy. WTF?! Why does no one want her dead? When she saw me she looked at me with an evil glint in her eyes.

                     "This is what I've always wanted. I was sick and tired of these imbeciles calling me a 'kid'. I wanted to kill them, but I knew better than that. When I entered May's kingdom, she didn't know that im a witch, so I earned her trust by acting like a kid. And as for Kate, she is a moron, I didn't even had to try, now look, her ignorance turned her into a zombie. Finally I got my revenge, I will now control these brain-eating, rotten creatures until I RULE THE WORLD HaA HAa HaA HAa HAa !!!" exclaimed Princessa, the evil witch.

                    I felt buzzing under my bed. That buzzing grew louder. With a groan I squinted my eyes and looked at my phone. It was a message from RK. The message read 'Good morning dear'.

Author's Fucking Note

I don't know what the hell did I just write. This all Kate and Princessa's fault they were hungry for more chapters. As always I don't have a clue about the next chapter.

—Queen May 👑



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