Because I Like You

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Normal POV
"Hey guys! I just got back from my job!" Lucy said while opening the guild doors. "Hey Lu-Chan!" Levy said while waving her hand. "Welcome back, Lucy. You're just in time!  We were just discussing our plans for our sleepover tomorrow!" Erza said. "Oh, right I forgot that it was tomorrow! Thanks for reminding me!" Lucy thanked Erza and walked over to the bar. "Hey Lucy! What would you like?" Mira asked sweetly. "I would like an.. Vanilla Milkshake!" Lucy said with stars in her eyes. "As always." Mira said while giving the vanilla milkshake to Lucy. Natsu tiptoed silently to Lucy and hugged her from behind. "Hey Luce!" Natsu said with a grin. "Natsu!? What do you want now?" Lucy asked kinda annoyed. "Well, I just wanted to know if you are doing anything right now.." Natsu replied. "Well, not really.. I think I will just go home and relax." Lucy said. "Okay, since you aren't doing anything, will you go out on a date with me?" Natsu Asked raising an eyebrow. "What!? And why exactly do you want to do that?" Lucy asked, crossing her arms.  "Why? Because I like you Lucy!" Natsu chuckled.  "Uh... G-get away from me! Stupid Natsu!" Lucy Lucy kicked Natsu.
"Hmph! I'm going home." Lucy said while walking off to her house. "Wait, Lucy! Don't go!" Natsu said getting up from the floor. "I blew it, again!" Natsu said smacking his face. "Don't worry Natsu. You know how Lucy is when it comes to this." Erza said trying to comfort Natsu. "I don't understand! Whenever I ask her out she just kicks me!" Natsu said looking down at the ground. "It's just because you're being to pushy around her... Or maybe that's how she is." Levy said. "Then, What should I do? I really like her even if she's mean to me. She's kind in the inside.." Natsu said still looking at the ground. "Hehe.. I have an idea!" Levy said with an evil grin. "Okay, Natsu! Meet me tomorrow afternoon at the plaza 3:00 PM sharp!" Levy said still, with an evil grin on her face. "Okay, but why?" Natsu questioned Levy. "Well, tomorrow we can come up with a plan to make Lucy like you!" Levy said with a smile on her face. "Umm, Okay, I guess." Natsu said walking away. "Hehe... This plan is going to Work perfectly!" Levy said excitedly. "What plan? It better not be against me!" Gray said giving a death glare to Levy.  "Don't worry Gray! It's not about you! I'm gonna get Natsu and Lucy together!" Levy said again, with a smile on her face. "Oh you're plotting for Natsu? Then go right ahead." Gray said walking off. "Listen, Erza I want you to go to Lucy's Place and tell her to meet me tomorrow at 3:00!" Levy said keeping her smile on her face. " Whatever you say, Levy." Said Erza walking to her place. "Now it's time to get Stupid Natsu and Tsundere Lucy together!" Levy evil laughs.
The next day at 3:00..
"Okay.. I'm here at the plaza... Where is Levy-Chan?" Lucy asks. Then Natsu passes by and says.. "Oh... Hello Lucy.
What's up?" Natsu Asked. "Natsu! What do you want? Why can't you just leave me alone!" Lucy said walking away from Natsu. "Sorry, but I'm not here to meet you. I'm actually here to meet Levy." Natsu said walking past Lucy. "Really? Erza told me to meet Levy here too!" Lucy said. "Hey Natsu, Lucy!" Levy said waving her hands at the two of them. "Levy-Chan! There you are what took you so long?" Lucy asked. "Sorry guys! But I'm afraid that I can't stay.. Some stuff just came up that I need to take care of. Bye!" Levy said walking off. "Levy-Chan?.." Lucy murmured. "Geez, What the hell was that all about?" Natsu Asked himself with an annoyed tone. "Well, lets go have some fun, Lucy!" Natsu said excitedly. "No way! I'm not going anywhere with you, Natsu!" Lucy disagreed. "Why not? Do you hate me?" Natsu Asked, his excitement going down. "Uh!...  No I don't hate you, Stupid Natsu." Lucy said looking away from Natsu. Then, Natsu grabbed Lucy's warm hand. "Then let's enjoy ourselves today, okay?" Natsu Asked with a jolly smile on his face. "W-whatever.. Stupid Natsu!" Lucy said blushing. "So.. What do you wanna do?" Natsu Asked. "Well, I wanna go back home!" Lucy said trying to get her hand out of Natsu's grasp. "Well.. isn't it like a date?..  Shouldn't we do stuff that couples do?" Natsu Asked. "What?! Who ever said that we were a couple?!" Lucy asked. "Well, I wouldn't mind if we were a couple.." Natsu said happily. "W-what?! Why!? I don't understand you at all!" Lucy said looking away from Natsu. (Again -_-) "Because I like you, Lucy!" Natsu said with a tint of pink on his face. "U-uh.. G-go away!" Lucy said blushing redder than Erza's hair. "But why? You look so cute when you blush!" Natsu said. "N-no! I'm not blushing! Especially not for you!" Lucy said with her arms crossed. "You know what, fine, I give up." Natsu said kinda hurt (he was also about to walk away.) ".. H-hey.. Wait.. Don't go." Lucy said holding onto his hand. "Huh? Is there anything you need?" Natsu questioned. "I.. Uh- er.." Lucy murmured. "Lucy are you okay?" Natsu questioned again. "Do you still wanna hang out..?" Lucy asked looking away from him. (AGAIN T^T) "Heh. Why do you wanna hang out?" Natsu Asked with a smirk on his face. "Do you wanna spend time with me or what?" Lucy asked with an annoyed face. "Sure I do Lucy! Where should we go?" Natsu Asked happily. "I don't care! Anything is fine by me!" Lucy said. "Then let's get some shaved ice! My treat!" Natsu said looking at the shaved ice stand. "Alright, I guess.." Lucy sighed.
At the shaved ice stand..
"You wait here, Lucy! I'll get the shaved ice." Said Natsu, walking up to the shaved ice stand. "Stupid Natsu! Why does he make me blush all the time?.." Lucy whispered to herself. "Well, I suppose he's not that bad.." Lucy murmured once again. (Random person walks by) "Hey, Blondie! What are you doing here?" A man asks. "Uh.. What do you want? I'm just waiting for my shaved ice.." Lucy said looking at the random man. "Why don't you spend time with me, Blondie?" The man asks, with a smirk on his face. Then the man got REALLY close to Lucy wait for an answer. "No thanks! I'm not interested. So please leave me alone!" Lucy said trying to push the man away. "You're gonna regret doing that, Blondie.."  The man said with an evil smirk. "..somebody help me!" Lucy screamed.
Meanwhile with Natsu...
"Hello, sir. Welcome to Magnolia's  shaved ice stand. How may I help you?" Asked Gray. "Wait Gray you work here?" Natsu Asked, pretty confused. "It's just the job request I took. If you have a problem then just go somewhere else." Gray replied. "Whatever. Anyway, just give me a strawberry lemonade flavor and a fire flavor." Natsu said giving Gray the money. Then, Gray gives the shaved Ice to Natsu and takes the filthy money.
Normal POV
Natsu walks out of the shop with his shaved ice and overhears a conversation. " Please leave me alone!" Lucy said pushing the man away. "You're gonna regret that, Blondie!" The man said with an evil smirk. "...Somebody! Help me!" Lucy yelled at the top of her lungs. "Oh no, Lucy!" Natsu said running towards the area he heard it. "Lucy! Are you okay?!" Natsu Asked. "Oh, and who is this? You're boyfriend?" The man ask keeping his smirk on his face. "W-well.. Not exactly.." Lucy said shaking a little by the man's smirk. "That's not important right now!" Natsu said angrily.
To be continued..

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