Professional liar!

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Chapter 9



"You have a thing for guys with wild hair?"

Kaminari laughs at your attempt to kick him from the position you were in; on the ground with Sero's tape binding your arms and upper body together.

"This is kidnapping, you know? We're supposed to be heroes in training.. you see the problem here?" Your eyes land on the four teenagers surrounding you.

Ashido chuckles and waves her hand dismissively, "We're at school, no problem!"

"Big problem! I'm tied down and completely defenseless, oh god.. I see my life flashing before my eyes!" You blink your eyes rapidly, jerking your head in different directions while making various facial expressions. The four teens stay still, not willing to play along with your act.

Sero sighs and squats down in front of you, a safe distance from your kicking fury. "We just want some answers." Ashido nods her head violently next to him before adding in with a worried tone, "Why did you ditch us for crazy purple hair?!" You stare at them blankly.

Ways of approaching this matter less aggressively popped one after the other in your head but out of all of those, they decided to kidnap you from lunch.

Your stomach was practically empty since you skipped breakfast and they just took away your long awaited lunch plans. Being stripped away from your food is just unacceptable, you're angry and someone has to pay the consequences.

"Release me now and your punishment won't be as severe for not letting me eat my lunch." Kaminari gulps but stands his ground. He, along with his other partners in crime missed talking to you. They knew something happened between you and Bakugou but the male refuses to talk about it.

The group tried prying it out of him but failed when Bakugou tried blasting them all out of class.

Kirishima, who stayed quiet this whole time in the back makes his way in front of you. He suggested talking to you about this first, in a calm manner after school but Ashido convinced everyone "that's lame" and now Kirishima sees things going downhill.

The red head personally felt that this was all his fault. The distance growing everyday between his friends and you, he was the one who introduced you to them after all. If Kirishima couldn't even keep his friends together, what kind of man would that make him?

So he had to do something, he didn't want any bad blood between you and Bakugou. If he had to be honest, he enjoyed seeing the two of you quarrel. It served for some pretty good entertainment.

"Why have you been avoiding us? What happened between you and Bakugou?" The male sounds so crushed that you bite your lip, regretting not speaking to them over your argument with Bakugou. He crouched down and creases his eyebrows, worry etched on his face, "Do you not want to be friends with us anymore?"

Your heart almost had its own heart attack.

He looked like a puppy who was left behind by his owner, wondering if he was ever coming back for the sad puppy. Kirishima was an angel and seeing him like this felt like you've committed the most disgusting of sins. Glancing behind the embodiment of kindness, you see the other three kidnapers sporting the same look and you really stood no chance at this point.

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