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This summer you have to go with your siblings to gravityfalls..... your 18 and there 16..... you're already at the shack and you get your own room...... it's nice and you have a lot of privacy.........when nobody's home....
"[your name] come here......" you here ford almost yell.... fords your "grunkle along with his twin stan
"Coming ford...." you knew that dipper was jealous because ford wants your help on almost everything..... ford dipper and you are the 'smart ones' in the family.
"And bring that device thing you have!" He adds
"Only if you let me go into the forest alone tonight!" I new it was a strange request but everyone seems scared when your alone...... let alone in a 'scary' forest, at night
" it's importan........ ya sure if you hurry!" He says almost inpatient
"Here" I say running down to his 'secret' Work area
"What do you need my help with?" I say jumping down the last couple steps
"Stand there...... good (I sand where he points) now put your phone here" he points at his desk
"Ok I hand it to him cause I can't quite reach, he places it down carefully as he pulls a switch and then I black out

You are in a grey landscape looking around when you hear.......
'Hey [your name]' says a yellow triangle
'Hey...... BILL!' I yell the bill part
'Go away I'm not doing deals and I'm going to wake up any minutes now' I continue
'But music note!' Bill wines
'Cool I have a nickname too...... now why am I here?' I ask to bill
'You we're knocked out by fords invention and was quite bored' bill says....looking star struck looking at you.
'Since I'm here you are going to try to make a deal with me right?' I ask
'Ya but it's not what you think' he says as he goes for your hand.... you doge it easily
'Speak demon' you say kinda defensively
'Tell ford that I'm back and I'll..... make you cookies?' He says kinda shy
' if I don't want cookies?' You ask moving a step closer to the bill
'Then I'll.....(stepping back) never poses the twins again' he says putting his hand out with his blue flame
'Deal' I shake it not being afraid because I know all about bill's magic
'Well music note your waking up don't forget our deal' bill says

I wake up In fords lab with some cords coming out of my arms
"FORD!" I yell
"[y-your name] your up earlier then expected" he says embarrassed
"We've talked about knocking me out and attaching me to your nerd things...... I don't wanna be stuck down here all summer!" I try to remain calm
"I'm sorry....... but this will be the last time (maybe) if you stay down here for the next 8 minutes....." he says
" I'll do so if we can talk..... oh and please don't tell Mabel and dipper or your brother unless you want me to tell them about this" I point to the cords
"Make that 17 not 8 "he says
"fine just listen" I say

~~~Time skip~~~

After telling him about the bill thing and the deal you made he warned me to
"Never make a deal with a demon!"
"I had to it was for the twins!" I argued
"Maybe it's not that bad...." he says trying to smile
"How much longer till I can go outside alone?" I ask
Ford sighed and unhooked me from everything and gave me my phone and told me that
"Your ready" I didn't know what he was talking about.
I grab my headphones and a little cash and told them that
"I'm going out with friends for dinner" hopping that the twins leave me alone..... witch they did and I ran into the forest with [fav song] playing. I stayed wondering around the forest for another hour or so till I figured that you'll start walking home.....I knew the way.......till something covers my eyes and spins me like 100 times...... at that point I was lost.

POV Ford

"It's been over an hour..... we need to look for her!" I say
"She's probably still at the dinner with her friends" says Mabel calmly
"But she hasn't went to the dinner Mabel........ not there!" I say making grand jesters
"Ok but let's give her some more time till we start to look"say dipper after he grabs his journal and opens it to a page

POV me

After my eyes were opened at last I looked trying to find a way out of the forest but ended up sitting on a rock looking at a little stream of water. I felt a hand on my back...... it felt like it was trying to push me in so I grabbed the arm and was going to flip the 'thing' into the water when I hear.
"I tap music note!" I turn around to see bill
"Take me home!" I yell
'Dick..... he had to get me lost in the forest' I think
"Wanna get home?" Asks bill with a big grin on his face
"Let me guess you wanna make a deal..... you teleport me back to the shack and you get to.... eat my soul or something no thanks!" I say as I start to walk in a direction that I didn't feel confident in....
"How about I teleport you home if you...... kiss me?" He genuinely asks
"Kiss me?" You almost fainted then bill pick you up bridal style.....
"Ok bill" you say as you kiss him on the cheek and then he turns pink and teleports you home with no hand shake or nothing
"[your name]? You ok?" You hear stan ask as you pass out in bills arms

Cliff hanger on the first chapter

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