Who are you?!?!

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When bill comes back he has a pair of sunglasses on and two cups of tea (can you already see what's going to happen)
"What's with the glasses?" I ask
"My demon magic is acting up and if you look at my eyes you might get hurt" he says
"Ok, ok. What kind of tea is it?" I ask as he puts the cup in front of my face the on the coffee table in front of me in a To go mug
"It's a sleeping one.... but I suggest bringing it to bed with you....,. oh ya I need to show you your room" he says as he snaps and I'm in pjs and I'm in front of a king size bed with [fav colour] sheets and blankets, the room looks like like a bigger version of the one I had as the shack.
"Thanks" I say hugging him and he hands me the tea
"Just don't stay up all night" he says handing me a tablet of some sort
"And try some tea or it will just be a wast of time" he continues
"Thanks bill" I say as he leaves the room without a goodbye.
'Odd' I think. I watch one video by my favourite YouTuber then have some of the tea..... it tastes funny but I have a couple sips and turn of the lights... as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out

"Wake up! And if you call for bill I'll kill you!!" I hear a harsh voice I've never heard before. My head was pounding and I'm not on my bed anymore, I open my eyes to see a dark room and I'm hanging from my hands and my feet chained down. I lift my head up.
"Where am I?" I ask sheepishly to a guy that's around the Same hight as bill, he's wearing a dark purple suit and he has purple hair (picture)
"Right where I want you to be" he says, his tone is deaper then bill's
"Who are you? And why am I here?" I ask
"Well y/n I'm tad strange, bills half brother. That's why you keep comparing us. And he owes me something so I'm using you as bate, And before you ask, yes I was pretending to be bill last night and he was making you orange pico tea when I put you to bed.... and yes that's your room that bill gave you." He says
"Are you going to hurt me?" I ask
"Oh...... so you really don't know why your called music note.... no y/n I actually can't hurt you, besides I don't hurt things. That's more of a bill thing." He says
"Bill thing.... so can you tell me why?" I ask
"Not yet.... and he should be the one to tell you...." tad says
"Will you let me down.... my arms hurt from holding up all my weight...." I say
"I can have you changed to the ground.... would that be better?" He asks
"That would be greatly appreciated...."
I say. He snaps then My hands are cuffed together and that's chained to my ankles, my left ankle is also chained to the wall with about five feet of walking room and I'm sitting on a blanket and pillow on the floor.
"Thanks tad...." I say
"Your welco-" he was interrupted
"YOU ARE GOING TO DIE TAD!!!!! YOU STOLE MY MUSIC NOTE!!!!" Bill says as he's barging in to the room
"Bill!!!" I look at him with a genuine smile
"You know what I want, give it to me and she can go with you, and she doesn't have to know..." tad says
"Really???? You'll give her back if I give you the one memory.... ok can do just unchain her and hold her, as you get the memory let her go" bill says
"Deal" tad says reaching out his hand
"Deal"bill says and shakes. Tad grabs the chains and lets me out of all but the handcuffs and holds the chain on the cuffs
"Give me the memory and I'll let her go" tad says
"It's right here" bill says as he pulls out a glass jar
"So.... I'll put this down gently and then push it away with my foot, then you let her go and we'll leave" bill says
"You know that's not how this works bill, I can't give myself the memory... you can... so you give it to me and I'll let her go" tad says
"Can I ask what's happening?" I ask
"Not the time" bill looks at me in a way that's not threatening but it says 'stop talking'
"I'll put it in if you let her go.... and you don't tell her...." bill says calmly
"Fine!!! Just I need to know who my dad is!!" Tad yelled back
"Ok...." bill opens the thing in his hand and a purple light came flying out he points at tad and it flys to him. When the light reaches tad I'm let go and I run to bill....
"All I do is get kidnaped....." I whispered
"Let's go" bill snaps and your in the room Tad said bill gave me

Hey this is a long chapter to apologize for not updating.....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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