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Quick A/N!: So I haven't worked on this in a while and I decided to come back to it.. yeah????? K bye.

Jenny's POV

   All I could hear was the ragged breathing coming from the officer as he ran. I don't know what he was thinking but he ran out the back of the damn building! "Officer! I don't think you understand. A rampaged killer that is my FATHER is coming after us! But instead of taking us out to the front you insist on taking us out the back??"

"What's the point of going out front when I'm alone??" I was shocked by his words. Alone? Didn't they hear how frantic I sounded on the phone?

"What do you mean.. alone?"

"I mean that the dispatch thought this was some prank so she sent out an officer to investigate." He wheezed and kneeled down behind a large shrub. We had made it out into the woods and dashed to the garden. He grabbed his cellphone and started frantically dialing numbers. I wasn't paying attention to anything he had said or done within the short five seconds that I caught a glimpse of a figure in the woods. I wanted to scream! I slapped a hand over my mouth and started crying. This was horrible. So horrible. I shook the officer's arm frantically shushing him. Unfortunately he hadn't gotten the hint and continued to request back-up. I shook my head in disbelief and backed into the shrub. I continued slinking backwards until I was completely surrounded by vegetation and I knew I was safe. For atleast a minute. A second. Out of this whole day. This was the one part that screamed. You're okay, god is taking a hold of you. I took another shakey breath. At this point I was death gripping my knees and my face was covered in the salty liquid leaking from my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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