Just another day...

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Everyday is the same routine. Wake up, get ready for work, eat breakfast, go to work, come back home, do my nightly routine, go to bed, and repeat. Always the same cycle, today was like every other day, at least that's what I thought.


I got ready for work and ate a quick breakfast. I quickly left my apartment and walked a few blocks down to the small cafe, Nancy's Cafe.

"Good morning love."

"Good morning Nancy."

"How has the baby been treating you? Had any morning sickness today?"

"Nope, not today."

"That's good love, I can't wait until the little rascal is born."

"Nancy I'm only 4 months, there's still a long ways to go."

"Ah! I know, I know, I'm just so excited."

"Me too."

"Well looks like our chatting time is over, let's get to work."

Nancy was a kind lady in her 40s. She helped me find an apartment and gave me a job at the cafe as a waitress. What I get isn't much but at least it helps with the bills and my needs. Nancy was a kind woman who didn't judge me like others in the small town. I don't really blame them for judging me, I mean it's not everyday you see a newcomer in a small town like Everest; especially a pregnant 18 year old. It's a long story but long story short my boyfriend of 2 years impregnated me and left me for some other girl. My parents found out and kicked me out of the house. I ended up leaving the city and decided to start a new life far away from everyone, so here I am. Ever since Nancy has been there for me and I'm forever grateful.


I finished the last order and looked at all the happy customers. I looked outside and saw what a beautiful spring day it was. I sighed and made my way to the counter.

"Sup princess, you look down what's wrong?"

I looked over at the cash register and saw James, I sigh once again.

"Oh, it's nothing."

"You sure it's nothing, because it looks like something to me. What's wrong you can tell me."

"I just miss my family that's all. I know that my parents left me but I don't know."

"Oh, I see. Well don't feel down princess. I'm sure that when your baby is born they are going to want to meet them, right?"

"Maybe, well I better get back to work you know how Nancy gets when we slack off"

"Of course I do, she's my mother princess."

I laugh slightly and start cleaning the counters. James is another person who helps me when needed. He's a kind person like his mother, sadly he was going to enlist in the army soon so he decided to spend time with his mother. He was a great guy and Kira was a very lucky girl. Kira was another waitress here and James and her were going to get married in a couple of months. I was very happy for them and Kira even picked me to be her maid of honor.


I finished my lunch that I packed amd got ready to work once again. Luckily we didn't have much customers today and my shift was almost over.

"Hey birdie, did you eat your lunch?"

"Hey Kira and yes I did."

"That's good, James isn't causing you any trouble is he?"

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