The gay brother and sister's first day

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Lizzie's Pov

I want sleep. Sleep. That's all. Is it to much to ask? I hope not. My dumb brother woke me up. How I love him. It took me 10 minutes to find my stupid hearing aids, although I like them they are sometimes annoying.

Me and Liam, my brother, who we call Ennard had breakfast. Ennard had pancakes, my dad had coffee, I had some pancakes too. While I was eating I was wondering if i was gunna be picked on. I'm going to a new school. My mom and dad divorced. We went with our dad since she tried to kill him, literally. Anyway, I am the only one in my family with a British accent. I don't even know why I have it. My mom was a little British.

Me and Ennard are walking to school, our dad doesn't let him drive since Songebob drives better them him. He is Spongebob and I'm Ms. Puff. While we where walking I saw a girl. I blushed a little. She was pretty, really pretty. Sometimes I feel like the gayness runs in my family. My dad used to be gay until his parents made him marry a girl, now he's bisexual. Me and my brother are gay, my mom is bisexual. I kept looking at her. I honestly hope she noticed thinking I was desperate to hang with someone else but Ennard. At some point we made eye contact. I blushed. She blushed a little. Then she started walking over to us.

"Hello. I'm Isabella. Call me Ballora." She said with a smile.

"I'm Lizzie. Call me Baby. This is Liam. Call him Ennard." I said, looking down.

We talked for a while and she told us about her friends. Me and Ennard are really nervous, Ballora noticed and asked us what was wrong. Ennard wouldn't say anything, so I had to awkwardly explain that me and him are gay and we don't  want to be bullied. You see it's wrong to be gay. Like? Why? When? It's just.., no. There is nothing wrong with being gay. Or lesbian. Whatever you wanna call it.

We are not at school and I'm about to have a mental break down. Ballora showed me and Ennard around the school a little. She introduced us to her friends. They seemed nice. I almost never said anything. I don't warm up to people fast. Ennard on the other hand wouldn't shut up. I like Noah, or Funtime Freddy. Freddy is calm. We talked for a little. He did most the talking.

"S-so.. Baby, right? Your b-brother..." he stuttered, although I'm gay, it was kinda cute.

"Yeah, what about him?"

"Um.. is he single.. or gay?" He looked away blushing.

"Why? You loooooove him~" I smirked.

Ennard looked over. Before he could say anything, the bell rang. We all waved bye. I left and went to class. I kept looking at Freddy, since he is in my class. We made eye contact. I smirk, not in a weird way, he just stared in my eyes. I feel odd. I looked away, I don't cover my ears so I think he saw my hearing aids since he had a little bit of a confused mixture on his face.

Noah's POV

Ok. New student, she seems nice. She has hearing aids, though. I have nothing wrong with hearing aids. The other kids at school do, I can tell she will get bullied, I text Lolbit to tell her about Baby's hearing aids. She won't respond? Maybe she got caught.

It's now lunch. Me, Baby, Ballora, and Funtime Foxy all have lunch. I poked Baby and asked her about her hearing aids. She said when she was younger she basically got sick and lost most her hearing. That sucks.

"Ba-Baby? Could I-I tell the o-others?" I asked

"Sure. I don't mind." She replied, smiling.

"Um.. F-Foxy? Ballora?"

"Yeah?" They both said.

"Baby has h-hearing aids. Not as a b-bad thing, but r-remember J-Johnny. He h-had hearing ai-aids and they mad-made his life hell. I'm not s-saying they will make you-your l-life hell, Baby." I said, kinda panicking that Baby would worry.

"Baby you have hearing aids?" Ballora asked. She looked in Baby's ears and there, hearing aids.

"My hearing has been down for a while, if that even makes sense." Baby said.

"When you were born did you have hearing problems?" Foxy asked, I could tell she tried to ask as innocent as possible.

Baby chucked. "No, when I was a kid I got.. sick, let's say. And with that I lost most my hearing. Luckily I never lost it all. I still know sigh language."

The bell rang. We all said our good-byes and went on. When I got in class I saw Ennard was in my class with me. I think I stared at him a few times. Why do I have a crush on someone I just met? Since when? Ugh. I play some games on my phone. Course, like always, Bonbon called me out. The school bully chuckled. Once I heard his chuckle, I thought of Baby.

Class is over and I drop my books, just what I need. I pick them up and walk out. I turned in the hall and I saw Baby being shoved in a locker. She's fighting back. She moved over on a different locker. With her head facing me. I try to cover my face, nervously. The bully was staring at her ear. Oh no.. did he see her hearing aids? The bully took her hearings off her ear.

"Hey! Give that back! I need it!" Baby said, I could tell she was frustrated and mad.

"Give what back?" The bully said.

Everyone was watching with me, everyone gasped when he did something, I gasped too. He took a hearing aid off Baby, looked at it, looked and her, then threw it on the ground and stepped on it, crushing it. Baby starting crying. She wasn't moving, like when a goat gets scared, but she didn't fall over. She was trying to proses what just happened, I could tell.

The principal walked in and saw a fairly small ground of about 20 people. He looked at Baby frozen with tears in her eyes, then the bully. He looked down a little and saw her hearing aid.

"My office.... NOW!" Mr. Afton screamed.

The bully ran off. Leaving poor Baby.

"Everyone back to class." He said. We all walked back.

I kept thinking about Baby. What will happen to her? Will she leave this school? Is she hurt?

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