twenty three.

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"I've made a terrible mistake."

~ ❀ ~

Maybe Yukhei wouldn't like it. Jungwoo thought as he stared at his reflection, who was also staring back at him. His eyes were swollen, and his nose was red, he'd been crying for hours, and it hurt. Maybe crying wasn't the best choice after all. It still hurt, Yukhei shouting at him like that, but Jungwoo wasn't angry at him, no, he was angry at himself.

He looked down, onto his newly wrapped wrists, the white material slightly stained with red. A red that had always been the sight he recognized with as he grew up. It also hurt, but that was fine. It will be fine. Jungwoo lets out a deep breath, before walking into his room again, he looked out the window, and saw the first rays of today's sunlight.

~ ❀ ~

The moment Yukhei's eyes landed on Jungwoo, he felt the hesitation fly away, but something was still off about him. The way the hoodie clung onto his body was quite weird maybe because Jungwoo had his shoulders slumped. And he was walking behind all of his friends, Yukhei knew it was still about their fight the night before, adding more guilt on his shoulders.

"Aren't you gonna greet him, like you do every morning?" Yuta asked Yukhei, who didn't make a move on nearing the shorter.

"What happened?" Minhyung asked too, but Yukhei didn't answer them both. He just stared at the group of friends. He was currently thinking of a nice way to start a conversation with Jungwoo.

"Earth to Yukhei." Taeyong's voice cut off Yukhei's train of thought, he didn't notice that the others had arrived. And that Jungwoo and his friends had disappeared to their own rooms.

He lets out a sigh and runs his fingers through his hair. The others noticed this.

"Something happened between you two." It wasn't a question, no, it was a statement. Yukhei sighed at what Jaehyun said.

"Now, tell us before that damned bell rings." Yukhei did.

~ ❀ ~

Maybe it was a dumb thing to do after all, yup, it was definitely a dumb move. Everyone was looking at Jungwoo, and was questioning why he wasn't with that certain taller. And what made is worse, because it fueled their belief more, the belief that it was really Jungwoo on that picture.

Jungwoo tried his best not to let anyone know that he was affected by their stares or comments, but deep inside, their words and glares were like knives, slowly piercing his fragile heart. He dropped his head on his desk as their teacher continued her lesson, somehow, his classmates's shenanigans stopped, so today was slightly better than yesterday. But when Mrs. Jung walked out of their room, Jungwoo took it back quickly.

"So, how are you and Yukhei?" For a moment, Jungwoo pretended that she wasn't there, and continued writing. And he knew it made her irritated, but Jungwoo didn't care. "The way you're acting right now, it looks like you're guilty."

"What should I be guilty for?" Jungwoo snapped, placing his pen back down, and looking up at her.

"The picture? And since that spread around school, like yesterday, you and Yukhei didn't really talk this morning, did you?" She said, she was slowly ticking Jungwoo off, but he kept his cool.

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