Chapter 4

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"well Perseus that sure explains your peculiar abilities. But if like you said there are so many demigods then why don't they become heroes and fight with us?" Fury who appeared to be taking the news of Greek Gods well questioned probably thinking of a million different ways to use this knowledge to his advantage.

"well I'm seventeen and I am old for a demigod if I'm being honest demigods usually die young." Percy paused and looking mournful. "and besides they're already heroes. They fight for their lives everyday. Demigods as young as twelve have fought in war. They are already heroes in my eyes and even though they would be very useful to your battles many of them just want as normal a life as possible and frankly fighting can bring back some bad memories for children of war."

A flash of anger flashed over Steves features. "These children are fighting in war! What the hell! you can't be serious how the hell do these wars even start!"

Percy clenched his fists tightly. "The Gods usually fuck up somehow then they send their twelve year old children to fix it. If I'm being honest it is usually some kid they weren't supposed to have. But even if the Gods behaved and didnt start a war demigods are always fighting off monsters so they are no safer if there were no wars."

"Young Perseus if you do not mind I would like to inquire the whereabouts of the seven heroes and possible your cousin Nico son of hades? I have heard many stories of your great deeds and wish to meet your heroic comrades." Thor's outburst seemed to break Percy out of his tense mood. He looked up at the curious fangod before grinning excitedly.

"Sure thing Thor. They would love to meet you guys! My friend Leo is always going on about how he would love to challenge Tony to a building competition and my other friend Piper says that she would like to see that because she is certain Leo would win and she thinks it might help knock Tony's ego down a notch!"

"Well though I doubt this Leo kid could beat me in anything is the piper you're referring to is she Piper Mclean? She always did dislike me. Though you can't be this famous without a few haters right?" Tony waved off the comment on his engineering skills choosing to instead learn more about this all too familiar Piper girl.

"Yes actually she is Piper Mclean. I can call them all right now if it's fine with you guys?" Percy seemed more than willing to call his friends as the joy of getting a job was just setting in and he needed to tell everyone he could or he was sure he would explode.

"Percy your files say that you don't have a phone how are you supposed to call them?" NIck questioned barely finishing his sentence before an outraged shout came from the arrogant billionaire himself.

" You don't have a phone but your seventeen how do you live?!" choosing to ignore Tony Percy faced Nick Fury while simultaneously using his magic to make a rainbow and then thrown in a drachma.

"magic." Percy says dramatically " hey Fleecy do me a solid and show me Annabeth Chase at camp half blood." the mist shimmered before showing the the pretty girl eyebrows furrowed focusing intensely on the paper in front of her. Seeing that Annabeth was yet to notice him he gestured the other people in the room to be quiet before taking in a deep breathe and promptly screaming his head off. in less then a fraction of a second Annabeth spun around holding her dagger to the Iris message. As soon as she realised what was happening she tucked her dagger back into her pocket squinting at Percy threateningly.

"Perseus Jackson did you think you could scare me and get away with it." her voice came out a threatening growl a yelp could be heard from Percy but before he could beg her forgiveness Annabeth gasped loudly. "Seaweed brain you did that in front of your new team! This is their first impression of you at least show some form of maturity!" when she finished she turned to the avengers and Nick Fury " Hello sorry for all that, I'm Annabeth Chase since he iris messaged me I would assume that he told you about the Greek gods so I will also tell you I am daughter of Athena Goddess of wisdom and battle strategies."

A chorus of greetings came from them the somewhat confused group and Thor was once again on his knees.

"Annabeth it is an honor to meet the hero who accompanied Percy in almost all of his quests."

"Thank you Thor your praise is much appreciated."

Whilst this was happening Percy had already called Jason and was unsurprised to find him with Piper and Leo discussing the latest mischief of the Stolls.

"Hey guys what's up?" Percy asked his friends casually.

"Nothing much actually though the stolls managed to paint everything the Aries cabin owned in a sparkly pink and we haven't seen them all day and we think maybe Clarisse killed em." Jason states calmly not batting a lash at Percys sudden place in the conversation.

"Whoa Percy is that a pirate?! I always wanted to meet a pirate! 'ello cap'n ow have the seas bin treatin thee as of late arrrr" Leo jumped ecstatically in his normal excited manner slipping into a pirate accent towards the end.

"Hold on a sec Perc is where the hell are you? Is that the avengers?" Piper questions thoroughly confused.

"wow guys slow down with the questions. But nah he actually isn't a pirate his name is Nick Fury and yes this is the Avengers they've hired me and I will be joining the team!" Percy states proudly hoping for the approval of his dearest friends, his grin only growing wider at his friends happily surprised faces. Albeit Piper sent Percy a sorry look.

"So your gonna have to put up with Tony Stark on a daily basis. Damm Percy you willingly agreed to that. He is about as stuck up as it comes."

"HEY! there is nothing wrong with a bit of self love!"

"Sure there isn't. anyway Percy I'm proud of you, that's sure to be a well paying job."

Percy puffed his chest with pride he also was happier when his closest friends approved.

"there is just three more people we have to call now guys. Dang it I am going to run out of drachmas." He grumbled before tossing another drachma in the mist and asking for Hazel Levesque.

through the mist you could see Hazel with Frank presumably on a date judging by the hand holding and their little picnic basket.

"Oh Percy how are you? Who is that your with you there?" Hazel question politely whilst Frank gaped like a frog at Clint Barton one of his favourite heros.

Percy introduced each of the Avengers by name.

"You might of heard someone talk about them before they're superheroes they saved new york from aliens a few months ago."

Just when Percy thought Frank was going to explode and start fangirling over Clint something surprising happened.

"CAPTAIN AMERICA! well how could that be you would have to be in your nineties now! Oh that can't be right are you a second generation replacement! Or something this can't be right!" Hazels confusion was clearly been contagious as nearly all the Avenger seemed somewhat confused.

"How can you know who Captain America is but not me! I'm Ironman! You should have at least recognised Thor or something what's going on with these people!"

Percy shushed Tony before he could rant on.

"well Hazel Captain here crashed his plane into the ice and was frozen for 80 years and he was still alive when the found him soooo you know he is kinda like you I guess. Actually I just realised you guys are only eight years apart in age thats crazy!" Percy trailed off towards the end, he watched curiously as Steve's eyes seemed to bulge out of his head.

"Haha guys now I know three people who were stuck in time! does this mean I have the whole collection now. Sweet!"

Leo's outburst seemed to have woken the captain from whatever state of shock he was in.

"you were stuck in time too how ! were you frozen as well what!"

Hazel blushed slightly at the question.

"Actually Captain I was dead." before steves questioning could continue Percy quickly IMed Nico.

A quiet hush fell over the demigods as they saw what the son of Hades was doing. The aforementioned boy was sitting behind what looked to be the infirmary blushing wildly as his 'doctor' Will Solace leaned over giving his patient a quick peck on the cheek.

before even Nico could react Leo, Jason and Percy let out loud synchronising whistles.


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