Chapter 4

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Hey! So I haven't updated in forever... and I'm really sorry! But I might not continue this story bc I don't know where I'm going with this and yeah...
This chapter's pretty short and boring but I hope you enjoy it!
But thanks for all the votes and comments and reads! Hopefully if I get more people reading this I'll update more..?

Bethany's POV:

I didn't have to say anything to let him know I felt betrayed. I felt like dog shit, no one wanted to be near it. Holding back my tears, I walked out, my head down in shame.

"Wait! Bethany, I can explain everything! I swear it's nothing like what you think!" Brandon, my only friend, yelled as he followed me out.

"What do you think I think about you being in the bathroom stall next to mine as I was dying from accidentally eating an ant-infested sandwich?" I yelled, hoping my shaky voice didn't give away that I was crying.

"Are you crying?" Brandon asked softly.

Well shit.

"No, I just sweat from my eyes a lot whenever my only friend, well my former friend, puts bugs in my lunch." My back still facing him, I walked away.

"Just let me explain. Two minutes." Brandon pleaded as he chased me down the empty hallway.

"Okay." I murmured. Brandon looked pleased and the worry and guilt that clouded his face was gone, replaced by a smirk. "Wipe that smirk off your face, bitch. You look like a pedophile."

He looked stunned and embarrassed for a moment before he laughed. I managed to keep my face still, hoping he saw that as a sign that I'm so done with him.

"One minute left. Better explain, clock is ticking." I replied impatient. I tapped my foot on the carpeted floor, which was stupid because you couldn't even hear it.

"Hanna." Brandon said suddenly, the previous signs that he was laughing gone.


"Hanna made me. She said if I didn't do what she said she would tell the whole school what actually happened that summer in 8th grade." I stayed silent, letting what Brandon just told me sink in my head. "You have the look on your face. It's kinda scaring me. You look like my little brother when he walked into my naked grandpa jerking off in the shower."

"That bitch!" I exclaimed.

"My grandpa? Hey, don't blame him. Everybody jerks off sometimes. I guess seeing my grandma's saggy boobs turns him on. Ooh one time in my Algebra class, this dude was jerking off to a picture of Betty White. The teacher asked him what he was doing and he replied with, 'I thought there was a bee in my pants." Brandon went on and on and on, pausing in between when he couldn't control his laughter. His hazel eyes teared up thinking about what happened.

I have to admit, what he just told me made me wish I could've seen what happened too. But that wasn't what mattered.


"Ye"-hiccup-"ah?" he replied still giggling.

"Shut up."




"Is what you told me true?"

"About the guy jerking off in class? Yeah even more hilarious if you saw what happened for yourself. Actually, I have a video of it." he said grabbing his phone from his back pocket, "I need a min-"

Slapping the phone away from his hand and slapping his face too, I shouted, "I don't care about that hormonal boy, okay? What I was asking before you rudely disrupted me was if what you told me about Hanna was true!"

Brandon stayed still for a minute, his face starting to form a red mark in the shape of my hand where I slapped him.

I became worried. Did my slap mess up his ability to speak? Not that I'm complaining but...

"What the fuck, Bethany? I don't have a lifeproof on that thing! If you broke my phone I swear-" I didn't get to hear the rest of what he had to say as I rolled my eyes and walked further away from him, hoping he didn't bother me anymore.

"We're not done talking about this!" He screamed towards me. Looking back, he looked a lot like my grumpy old neighbor, Mrs. Simmons, whenever she yelled at my brothers for throwing their football onto her garden. Brandon's already-red face looked like a tomato about to burst as he shook his middle finger at me.

There was nothing that could knock some sense into that boy.

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