Chapter 5

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"How was school?" my mom asked, grinning ear to ear.

"Just because you ask me the same question every single day doesn't mean my answer's gonna change, mom." I replied, tired. Not only from school, but tired from all the things going around me.


"There was a new kid at school today. Well he doesn't go here yet. He's coming tomorrow." I suddenly said.

My mom shot up from her seat on the couch. "Really? And who is that?"

"Some guy. He was nice but I bet that's just because he doesn't know what status I hold in school yet."

"What was his name, sweetie?" my mom asked, looking genuinely interested.

"Connor. Connor Franta." I mentally drooled just thinking about him. I tried holding back a small smile that gave away what I thought about him.

"Oh. Franta?" She said. My mom squirmed in her seat a little, looking suddenly very uncomfortable on our very plush couch.

"Yeah... You recgonize that name?"

"No." my mom said too fast. Deciding to play along, I nodded and grabbed a snack from the kitchen. As I was about to walk the stairs up to my room, my mom stopped me.

"Watch out for that kid."

"What, Connor?"

"Yeah." she replied bluntly. Nodding once again, I made my way up to my safe haven.

What the actual fuck.

I wasn't much into mystery and figuring out the puzzles, because well..... it never involved me like nothing happens in my life truthfully.

But I want to figure this out.


"How was the tour around school?" My mom asked when we got to our home.

"It was pretty cool. The school's big." I said.

"Did you talk to any kids?" she asked, occupied by trying to make us a snack. "What do you want?"

"I'll just eat a banana. And Yeah. I did," I replied truthfully, trying really hard to keep a straight face.

"Oh, who?" My mom threw me a banana, me catching it with one hand.

"Bethany. Bethany Mota." That was it. I couldn't keep my grin from appearing. I blushed a little, looking at the floor.

"Oh... Mota?" my mom asked hopping from one foot to another.

"Yeah... Is there a problem? You seem a little nerv-"

"No!" she yelled. "I mean.... no. You should go up to your room and get ready for your first day of school tomorrow."

"I thought you said I could start next week," I said.

While we were talking to the principal of the school, I asked my mom if I could start next week, just so I can be more prepared.

"Right. Right, next week." My mom then just tapped her finger on her leg and preceded to make herself a snack. I could hear her muttering 'Mota.' to herself.

She wasn't usually like this... always on guard, so jumpy.

That was weird.

I wasn't a complete dumbass to not know that something happened between my mom and someone else related Bethany.

I wanted to figure this out.


well this sucked.

something happened between Bethany's mom and Connor's! Any guess on what it is?

I'm still debating on whether to continue this story or not so lemme know if I should by commenting or voting. Thanks!

Have a lovely day guys. peace.

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