The King and Guardian

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Hi I am, Chung, or maybe I should call myself Prince now. I am King of Hamel, husband of Ara Haan, and father of one, Shen Seiker. I lost my wife when my son was 5 years old due to... a sickness, a fatal sickness that took her life before I was able to say goodbye, before my son was even ready to receive his Guardian stone. It saddens me because I know there was something that I could have done to save her but yet I was unable to do it, so all I had to do was to watch her breathe her last breath. I promised her that I would raise our son the best I could, make him stronger and ready for the world, there is nothing I wouldn't do for him.

My father however, have passed on, or that's what we were told to believe. Priestess told us that he is now in exile, but for different reasons, let's just say he retired. He went to far countries, to rest, tired from all the war and battles and demons, he laid the responsibility of protecting Hamel to me, which I don't mind, I was training my whole life for this. I just wish that he would send a letter before his passing so me, and my son would visit him one last time before we set his soul inside the temple of trials where all guardians and kings of old are laid to rest for their determination to protect Hamel.

Today, my son is going to receive his Guardian stone. And even after I received mine a little later, I'm very proud that he isn't as weak as I was to also delay the receiving of his own Guardian stone. I received mine when I was 12 and he's receiving his when he's 10, which I'm proud of.

I stood by the water priestess, as says tradition, during the receiving of the Guardian stone. He slowly walks towards us. And as he finally reaches the first steps leading towards the priestess, the crowd stops applauding to hear the priestess speak. He kneels on one knee, his hand laying on the standing leg.

"Prince Shen, son of Prince Seiker, do you vow to honorably guide and lead your fellow countrymen into nobility and honorable sacrifice?"

"I do"

"To set an example for the youth and all those aspiring to be soldiers, for the glory of Hamel?"

"I do!"

"To humbly train and better yourself to be future King and Captain of the Guardians of Hamel?"

"I DO!"

"Then rise! Prince Shen, and receive your Guardian stone!"

That vow reminded me of when I received my Guardian stone. I don't remember many people applauding though, all I can remember was seeing my father and the water priestess, Sasha in front of me, I never did look sideways, I didn't let anything distract me, and I don't remember having friends at my age to support me. Most of them were nobles, politicians and people of the royal blood. My son, is fortunate enough to have friends that love him no matter who he is, I doubt that even if he was weak like me, he would still have the charisma to lead his friends in battle.

He rose to receive his light blue stone, which resonated with him, the stone illuminated a bright light blue color. He held his stone in his hand, firmly grasping it, as the crowd in the room applauded loudly for my son.

Then something out of the ordinary happened. A giant portal opened right into the middle of the room, and tried to suck everyone in it. On instinct I turned to berserk mode, dawning the Freiturnier so that I can stable myself on the ground. I didn't see how everyone else didn't get sucked into it, I can only remember the fear on my son's eyes.

"Dad?" he exclaims

"DAD?!" His voice still echoes in my ears.

I remember trying to grab his hand before he got sucked into the portal. The fear in his eyes, it's like the time I had to face my father when he got influenced by the demons. He was my hope and joy but I failed him. But my promise to Ara never faltered, immediately, after the disaster, I spoke to the Water priestess, Denka, and the other scientists of Hamel to see what that portal was and where it lead.

I fear for my son, for, wherever that portal lead, it may have not looked friendly, and he could be alone.

I will find him and I will return him.

"Water Priestess, Sarah, Denka, everyone, thank you for coming now" I tell them. We gather around a rectangular table.

"As you may know, my son was sucked through a portal just hours ago. I want to consult you about what it was, where it leads, and where it came from"

They got to work as soon as possible and tomorrow, I heard the results. Which is stupid, because they admit that they didn't find any evidence or clue of where the portal came from or where it could have lead.

Clueless, I sit in my throne and look at a picture of me and my darling, Ara. I ponder what I could do but most of the ideas I come up with are impossible to do.

I mustn't be weak. I should remain strong.

I will be called Chung once more. Until I retrieve my son. 

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