The Mercenary Meets The Enemy

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During the time of peace, before the 2nd war. I had recruited and built a team of highly trained freedom fighters, determined and compassionate to fight for good. I as their leader showed them kindness, made sure they are open to their teammates. And Just like my old team with Elsword and the others, I made sure that teamwork is their main focus. Just like that, from 10 people to a literal thousand, under my belt. I trained all of them. My men became the spies and commandos, which only best suited my men, in the army that Elsword has gathered throughout Elrios.

The invasion was hopeless for us. We couldn't win one single fight. The enemy was relentless.

We held up in small bunkers in random locations, hiding refuge from the monsters just above us.


"Possibly thousands"

"We're going to need a miracle to win"


"All we need is each other, unity, and team work"

"What about Prince Seiker of Hamel? How is he showing his unity!?"

"He will honor his friendship to Elrios, to us. All we have to do is wait. Fight where we can, protect the others"

The others remain silent.

That is Elsword, the uplifting, positive, leader of everyone. Even when the world was against him, he never surrenders, always fighting. That is his power.

"Highest priority. Civilian lives"

I sometimes have nightmares of that war. That war brought nothing but pain and destruction unto Elrios, on my friends, and on me. There is nothing I wouldn't give to prevent that war from ever happening again. Sometimes, even in broad daylight, I see those nightmares. It damaged everyone.

The war was bigger than the demons crossing over to ours. We had a fighting chance at that time but this is just massacre, genocide. Happened overnight. No one was prepared for it. It came like the earthquake, quick but deadly, no one felt it until it started happening. I lost so much even when I thought I have everything in my power to protect.

"Raven!" I hear a light caring voice faintly call to me. It's making me guilty. The voice taunts me, making me think it's innocent but it's just the screams of the damned coming back to haunt me

I reach out. The light is getting brighter. I hear the voice of my fallen comrades calling out for help. Limbless. Afraid. But the voice doesn't stop calling me. Never stops. Never.

Maybe that's all I ever am. A killing machine. Yet so weak. Unable to protect yet always looking for something to kill. I fight to protect, I even kill to achieve it. I allowed certain evil to take over my body, accept the inhuman but even with all of this. I lose.






But isn't that what makes something more powerful?

Because it's with everyone else?

Isn't a stick more durable if bundled with more, making it harder to snap?


After Lu and Ciel left, we continued towards the one building in this empty world.

"What do you think is up with them?" Asks Elesis

"I scanned Lu and her injuries before she left" Eve replies


"She's pregnant"

Everyone reels back in shock. But not me, I have assumed it for a while. How Ciel is constantly asking Lu how she's feeling more often than before. How they're so close, more so than just servant and queen. They are married.

"I don't mind that" Elsword says

"They are happy, right?" Rena adds "Right, Raven?"

She looks at me, with her perky smile, and her teasing eyes. I remain silent, only looking back with a stoic face. Even with that, she doesn't take it offensively.

"Are you happy too?" Rena asks me. She's so teasing, I almost despise it but just can't

I look at her and she's still keeping up that teasing expression.

I smile but remain silent. I couldn't tell her I'm happy because I would be lying. How can I be happy if I haven't married her?

"Who else here married?" Elsword jokes.

"Right... Sorry, Chung"

We have arrived to the building. The walls are hard like rock and there is nothing on it, no window, no cracks, it is perfectly still. The door is metal but slightly weak. I knock on it with my nasod arm releasing a metal sound that is hard, there is no echo, it's pure metal.

I look at Eve who scans the doors.

"Raven, your arm should be strong enough to break it" she says confidently

"And if it doesn't?" I ask as I raise my arm.

"It should"

I pull my arm back, gathering all of my energy and strength into this one punch. Then I release it.

The punch was so strong that I didn't feel my arm touch anything. As if the doors were ready to be forced open. Maybe Eve has something to do with it.

"Let's go, everbody!" Chung says eager to find the culprit behind his son's kidnapping.

We go up and up the building until we finally reach the last level.

And we see a figure, he is unexplainable. Hard to tell if he is human or anything else. But Shen, Chung's son is there, in a sphere, he is sound asleep, floating in the bubble.

"Shen!" Chung exclaims, his armor fully covers him as he cocks his cannon.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Chung" the voice speaks. His voice is of a man, soothing, powerful, it echoes through the room.

"Why not?" Chung talks back

"That sphere breaks and everything goes"

"Who are you?" Elsword asks him. His hands grip his sword, filled with determination

"I am the last survivor of the enemy you fought, many years ago" The voice speaks.

"Then you are our enemy!" Elesis speaks.

"That is wrong. My people were never enemies with yours. It was a misunderstanding"


"I did not. They did. I am innocent. I told you, it was a misunderstanding"

"What is your purpose?" Eve asks calmly

"I am here to explain everything. Don't worry by the way, Shen is safe, I did not hurt him in anyway... not yet"

"What do you mean?" Chung says.

"I need you to see how peaceful our world was before and how much sadness it caused to see my friends go in a bloody war"

"Well I need you to see how much of my friends, and men YOU'VE killed"

"We could have made peace. The both of ours are very similar. It has a hero, the hero has friends, they had families, children"

"What drove your people to attack ours?"


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