8th grade prom

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This made me sad with sadness in the beginning -author

So before prom was ever mentioned on valentines day I got my crush a candy gram and he made sure no one hurt it which made me happy then I found out he was looking for me when I found him he said thanks and gave me a big hug then prom came around and I asked him in a note and it said will you go to prom with me (we can go as friends if you want) he read it and wrote maybe but my friend heard him whisper under his breath " if I do i might regret it" that's what broke me I cried that weekend and went to school with sadness then 1 or 2 or 3 months later he asked another girl to prom. He walked into her class and shouted "I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT NAME WITH YOU GO TO PROM WITH ME!" Sadly she said yes so when prom rolled around I came with my friends and had one of them be my date she was a girl but it was AS FRIENDS SO CHILL OUT 😂 I had to watch them slow dance together and that made me kinda sad thinking that could've been me then my petty side came out and I blocked her on ALL my social media without guilt and still to this day no guilt but now I've fallen for another his younger brother one of my best friends (he's in 7th grade so chill he can't go to prom) so I guess that's it


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