good boy (oneshot)

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warnings - mention and discussion of an eating disorder, controlling behaviour

Namjoon looked positively ethereal in the glowing sunlight that filtered through the blinds of their shared bedroom. Taehyung glanced down at the sleeping boy laying in his arms. His hair had grown out slightly, exposing the natural dark roots that lay just underneath the bleach and hair dye. He'd be returning to his natural dark brown shade for their comeback, but for now the stylists let Namjoon keep his peachy pink fluffy locks. It was a good look on him. It softened his features. To the outside world the rapper might appear tough and hard to read, but his pastel pink hair made him look like a cute soft dork.

Taehyung couldn't believe how lucky he was to still have the older rapper as his roommate. They'd all fought hard last year for the only single room in the apartment, but all the while the singer had secretly been hoping that neither of them would win. It was for the best that Jungkook got his own room anyway, he was growing rapidly, and Taehyung knew that Namjoon had had enough of listening to the maknae relieve himself during the middle of the night as he thought the older rapper was sleeping.

He's the last to be holding Namjoon this intimately, but unlike the others Taehyung plans to make this very special, to actually take him out on a date first before fucking him. No one has mentioned it yet, but Taehyung could tell from the tense atmosphere settling in the dorms that everyone was worried over who Namjoon would eventually choose. They all want it to be them, and it ached deeply in Taehyung's chest to picture the older boy picking someone else over him.

The sleeping boy stirred briefly and Taehyung sucked in a deep breath, stilling his body and trying his hardest not to wake Namjoon up. The older rapper hasn't been sleeping well this past few weeks. The stress of the upcoming comeback has taken its toll on his tall body. There's purple rings framing his eyes, which are puffy from crying at night. Taehyung has taken to pulling the rapper into his own bed, knowing that having someone close to him to hold onto at night would ease the sobbing.

His cheekbones are even more well defined than usual, his jawline sharp enough to cut into Taehyung's hot skin. His soft stomach has turned into a flat expanse of skin, hipbones rising out of his tanned skin like two tall mountains. His thighs are still thick but ever so slightly thinner. If Taehyung didn't know the older boy's body so well he wouldn't have noticed him steadily dropping off the weight, but he knows the boy better than he knows himself.

They've all talked about it, but no one knows exactly what to do about it. Jin had been cooking Namjoon his own meals, small portions, but filled with the nutrients he had been denying his body. He's tall and already has a fast metabolism so refusing to eat has left him looking like a skeleton, and Taehyung hates how he can see each one of the older boy's ribs and can feel his spine poking out from his back.

Before debut, Namjoon had an eating disorder. They all knew it, they could instantly tell from his skinny frame. Management had forced him to put on weight for his own good, but somehow they haven't noticed what the boy has done to his body now. Taehyung feels sick to his stomach, worry gnawing away at his chest and tightening his breath. He doesn't want anything bad to happen to his leader. He doesn't want to watch him waste away to nothing, becoming a shell of his former self. He misses his deeply dimpled smile, the way his eyes disappear when he laughs loudly, the way his face glows whenever they present him with a new Ryan plush.

So he formed a plan, and it's what he's going to be putting into action today. He's thought of everything and carefully discussed it with the rest of his group. Tensions are high between them because they all want Namjoon for themselves, but they've settled their differences for this. Namjoon is more important than the rivalry threatening their friendships.

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