hush - namgi

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Yoongi glances down at the sleeping frame of their leader and frowns. He hasn't seen Namjoon all day so it's a shock to find him sprawled out across Yoongi's own hotel bed and he sighs deeply; but he's not mad. He never can be with Namjoon. A small smile tugs on the edges of his thin lips because it's so endearing, seeing Namjoon finally giving in and getting the rest he'd so clearly been missing out on while he'd trapped himself away from the world to quietly work on his playlist.

Yoongi's a little bit annoyed that Namjoon had completely missed his own bed and opted to collapse onto the only one in their room that isn't covered in suitcases and shopping bags, but it's hard for him to stay mad while their leader softly snores with his fluffy blonde locks nestled against the pillows, rolling like messy ocean waves across the soft cotton. Yoongi takes a second to stare at the other bed that's on the side of the room, void and cold, and then he stares down at his own bed again and it's far too tempting, too inviting, for the older male to avoid. He knows that Namjoon will be warm, tucked up in a fuzzy black sweater and jogging bottoms, and Yoongi can't help but admit that the younger boy looks cute like this.

And he's just so tired that his brain is close to mush right now, completely dead to the world and drained after being dragged around by the rest of the members all day. His back is aching and it cracks painfully as he gives it a little stretch, raising his arms above his head and yawning deeply. His feet are hurting from all of the walking he'd done earlier and there's a warm bed right in front of him so he shrugs and decides to just go for it.

He's got to be careful and he slowly peels away the bed covers with precision, holding his breath and watching closely as Namjoon's body shivers a little from a sudden burst of cool air as Yoongi slips underneath the warmth of the blankets. He moves with much more grace than he'd ever expected he'd be able to move this late in the day, and Yoongi can't help but let out a pleased sigh as he shifts around and gets comfy on the mattress. He tries to leave Namjoon with as much room as possible and he finds himself hoping that he wakes up before him tomorrow so he can just sneak out of the bed unnoticed, cheeks already dusted with a hint of embarrassment at the idea of the younger male waking up and teasing him for sleeping in the same bed together.

It's been a while since Yoongi has shared a bed with anyone, having grown to the luxury of them being able to afford separate beds now, but having the comfortable weight of someone sleeping beside him is weirdly familiar and he finds his arms itching to reach out for Namjoon. He doesn't want to wake him up but Yoongi just wants someone to hold in his arms right now, and the urge rises in his chest and aches deep down in his heart, making his breath hitch in the back of his throat. Maybe he's just tired from their tour or maybe it's the fact that he can finally see Namjoon looking this restful and he'd been worrying about him a lot lately, they all have, and Yoongi finds that he can't really control his own body anymore as his arm stretches out and tucks around Namjoon's waist, resting against the soft warmth of his tummy.

He scoots a tiny bit closer until he's spooning the other rapper from behind and even Yoongi has to admit that this must look a little bit ridiculous given their height difference but he doesn't care anymore. Namjoon is warm and right there, like a big cuddly koala and Yoongi presses his forehead to the back of his neck, catching a quick scent of Namjoon's shampoo and his freshly laundered sweater and it feels like home.

It's quiet. The noise of what was probably Hoseok chasing the maknaes down the hotel corridor has died down and the loud drunken singing coming from Seokjin's room has vanished, and all that Yoongi can hear is the slight sound of Namjoon's breath like a gentle breeze as his chest rises and falls. Yoongi can never keep still, especially not his hands, not when they're dying to fly across the tinkling keys of his piano or the switches in his studio, but he'll gladly settle for laying a hand in between Namjoon's chest.

It's there. Strong and steady, just as it should be, and Yoongi curses himself underneath his breath. The heart that beats within Namjoon's body has unknowingly taken so much from Yoongi over these eight years. His dreams are filled with full lips and dimples, blinding bright smiles and eyes that sparkle stronger than the moon, and Yoongi is nothing but a damned fool to fall in love with the boy who sleeps peacefully beside him. Well, not exactly beside him as Yoongi can't stop himself from sneaking his arms around Namjoon's waist to hug him closer and nestle against his warmth, allowing himself to slip into comfortable darkness with his lips just a breathes away from the back of the younger rapper's neck.

When he wakes he finds warm and curious eyes staring back at him, observing quietly and cautiously and he's scared, frozen from fear and panic. Namjoon sees him. He's always been able to see right through him, to gaze right down into his very soul, and Yoongi holds his breath as his heart pounds within his tightening chest. There's no hiding, not with Namjoon, and it's like he's been completely exposed for the whole world to see under the thoughtful stare of his leader and best friend.

There's nowhere to run, not that he even wants to, and when Namjoon's eyelids flutter and Yoongi takes in the delicate flush to his cheeks his heartbeat races further, soaring within his chest like birds flying across a wide sky, and he stays rooted to the spot as Namjoon closes the tiny gap between them to rest his forehead against Yoongi's own. It's gentle and they don't even have to say anything to each other. Yoongi slowly moves a hand until he's petting through Namjoon's messy bed hair. They stay like that for what feels like an eternity, an entire lifetime, until Namjoon's sleepy deep voice breaks the silence.

"I love you, hyung."

And Yoongi smiles, just as dazzling as peace eases his racing heart, "I love you too, Joon-ah."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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